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"You're way too good at this already." Daxon stares at me as gun booms, knocking down target after target.

"I told you I love stuff like this." I blast another puppet as sand pours out of the holes created by the machine gun.

"You never said that." I roll my eyes.

I had spent the whole weekend looking up ways to use guns and watching videos. Along with years of researching crime and war and everything in between, all Daxon needed to do was show me how to shoot a gun a few hundred times and I got it.

Light from above the door keeps the area lit as the gun clicks and I reach out to Daxon for more bullets.

"It's about to be 7. Let me take you home." Daxon offers, not passing the reload.

"You just started letting me shoot without your gross arms and breath fanning all over me." I shiver, as the memory earlier with his arms wrapped around my shoulders replays in my head.

"You know you loved it." He sticks his tongue out at me from his seat on the ground.

"Sure I did." He can't help but be a child, can he?

"We're done for the day. There are no more targets to hit. C'mon." He gets up, turning his porch light off and taking the guns from my hands.

The smooth cold metal leaves my fingertips and takes with it a warmth. Did we really have to be done?

I pout as he puts the gun back on it's rack and grabs his car keys hanging there.

"It's good you already know what you're doing. Those guys wouldn't have waited before you knew how to shoot, to come after me." We go along the narrow annoying path.

"When are they going to show up anyway?"

The sound of the gun to the force of it's shot rumbled through me and set fire to my spark.

I want blood.

"Do you want people to come trying to kill me?" He unlocks the car and we hop inside.

"Don't say it like that." The engine roars to life and the old lump of screws starts moving down the road. He should get someone to check his car.

Daxon laughs, shaking his head.

He finds just about everything funny, doesn't he? A small smile makes it's way to my lips as we drive.

The moon hangs high in the sky as the dusk shines.

This isn't good for my mental health, as messed up as that already is.

Nights full of dreams where blood flows in rivers and I'm soaked in from head to toe in it. It's so bad but I can't help but wake up with a grin plastered on my face.

I scare myself most of the time and getting close to making that dream a reality, sends goosebumps down my body.

Daxon is too much of a drug. His ways and offers are suited to me. Maybe he's more like my personal drug dealer then.

Either way, I know why I tolerate him.

The car pulls up by the side of my yard and parks.

The first time he dropped me off after going to his house, he knew the way here without a word from me. I don't care much, just another thing I noted.

"Well, thanks for the ride." I nod to him, grabbing my bag from the backseat, and shutting the door behind me. I cross the front of the car and onto the sidewalk.

"Naomi, wait!" Daxon shouts. I turn back toward him as he gets out his car, jogging to me.

"I want you to have this." I glance down at his hands and a small red teddy bear sits in their grasp.

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