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I sit across from Daxon in the nurse, as my leg bounces off the balls of my foot.

Silence coats the room as I stare at the wall behind him and he just stands there. The nurse sits at her desk, scribbling something down as the sound of her pencil echoes.

"Do you have some candy?" Daxon suddenly asks her. My eyes stay trained on the spot of the wall.

She pulls out a lollipop and hands it to him, continuing her work. Daxon approaches the bed and reaches his hand with the lollipop towards me.

"Here." He urges me to take the candy. I roll my eyes.

Does he really think we're friends or something?

"I didn't ask for your help," I say.

"You don't have to." He sits in the chair beside me.

"I really do." I lay down, turning away from him.

"I was heading to the nurse anyway, you just looked like you wanted to come with." He leans against the edge of the mattress as it dents behind me.

"Stop playing with me." Cause I'm supposed to be the one fucking with you. That's how this works.

"What fun would that be?" He breathes against my ear. I swat him away.

I close my eyes and try to block him out.

He's more suspicious than my therapists and they think picking a young girl's mind apart, is fun. They get paid to do it. He just does this shit.

I know it's fake. I know, and I don't need it.

"You can go," I say.

A pause fills the air.

"Ok." The dent behind me disappears and a small warmth goes along with it as well.

I squeeze my eyes close tighter and sigh. Today's been shit.

A creaking sound opens my eyes and I watch as Daxon lays down on the bed next to mine. I scoff.

He meets my eye, turning on his bed to face me and smiles. The halo of the morning sun spills in through the windows and his usual dead eyes have a small fire in them. The warmth from earlier returns.

"I told you to get out," I say, keeping my gaze on his as he does mine.

"And I told you, I was already on my way to the nurse." He smirks, and I roll my eyes.

"Do whatever you want." I shrug.

"I was planning to."

I want to see him angry, spilling all his truths so I can judge him clearly.

My eyes shut. I don't have to awkwardly stare at him.

My parents use to be nice like this too, so were my therapists and my classmates. But things like that don't last forever. Things like that deceive people.

My mom wishes she never gave birth to me, my classmates want me out their way, and my therapists don't know what to do with me now.

But that's fine too, because I give them good reason to, and I won't stop either. Daxon will understand soon.

A wave of exhaustion washes over me.

He'll understand and he'll join them.

"You seem scared," His voice rings out, interrupting my thoughts.

I scoff.

"Of what?" I hold back my yawn, peeking at him.



I gasp awake, sitting up in bed. I'm greeted with an eerie stillness in the air and golden light shines from the outside, in. It can't have been that long, seems like the afternoon.

I get up and sit on the edge of the mattress. My eyes dart up.

The bed before me lays empty. I nod.

Good. I didn't want to see his face when I woke up.

I stand up and crack my neck, turning my head side to side. I fluff out my hair as I move to grab my bag. Glancing at the clock, it reads 4:30.

Yeah, I shouldn't be here anymore. Why didn't they wake me up? Is the nurse even allowed to leave with me here?

I toss my bag on my back and head out the room. I close the door, spotting a note on it.

I had to leave in a hurry, so lock the door behind you.

I sigh, opening the door again and locking it as she asked. She had time to write this but not wake me up? Whatever.

The school usually closes at 5 after sports practices are done, so eventually, someone would found me.

I walk out a side exit, turning to head home. I look at the front of the school, barren as opposed to earlier, and the door I came in through this morning.

What was wrong with me today? I had everything under control and I don't care much about what my parents think of me, but for some reason, my mind kept playing tricks on me, like it always does.

Just not because of stuff so dumb.

Daxon is always around to see it happen nowadays and he thinks he needs to take care of me. He can do whatever, as long as I get a better grasp of what he's thinking.

He's stupid for trying to befriend me. Already, people look at him funny in the halls.

Maybe, it's a dare he made to fit in and get a couple laughs with his new friends here.

Does he have other friends? I haven't been paying as much attention as I should be.

I need to know how to turn him out, and so far the only thing I know about him is that he likes being annoying and the more I don't want him near me, is the more he appears.

I look both ways before I step into the street. A car down the road drives toward me but it seems far enough for me to make it.

I begin to cross, still looking at the oncoming car, as I walk. It speeds up.

I put a little pep in my step as it comes down the road fast. Definitely more than the speed limit.

I jog now, hopping on to the side of the sidewalk, out of danger as the car stops where I was just standing. A man in a suit comes out the car, blonde hair and shades on.

I turn back and look at him. On his side, a gun pokes out his pocket.

I stare at him. What's his deal?

"Hello, young lady, can I talk to you?" He asks, taking a few steps in my direction. I walk towards him as well.

"It looked like you wanted to talk to me, the way you were trying to hit me just now. What is it?" I deadpan.

He smiles at me and shakes his head.

"Sorry, I just wanted to catch you before you left."

"Whatever, what is it?" I don't like talking to strangers, but this one has me a bit intrigued. Maybe it's the gun at his hip. I want to touch it.

"Do you know a boy named Daxon?" His tone shifts. I smirk.

I guess Daxon's gotten on more than just my bad side.
138 - 7/23/20

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