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People rarely ever surprise me. I don't have enough expectations of people, for it to happen. Either that or they give themselves away.

Daxon's the first in a while.

It's been three days since he was suspended. Sitting in biology, the gray walls stand dull and the thick air breathes heavy.

I didn't even get to push his buttons before someone else blew his top. It's not fair.

Class ends and I mope out the room.

I just want my go at him. It's my turn, I want to box with him too, that sadistic look on me. Goosebumps travel up my back and my lip twitches into a grin. How do I ignore this?

I continue my dreary walk to the café, mind filled with all the possibilities of fun I could have now with him. He's definitely a card I saw coming. I knew he would be a good replacement.

My shoulder collides with something and I ignore it, pushing past.

"I just got back, bitch." I turn towards the familiar voice and see Meghan, standing with her friends, now facing me. She was in the hospital long this time.

"Welcome back, I guess," I say, turning to leave. She's no longer interesting to me, I already have someone much better.

A hand grabs my shoulder and I'm pushed back around, as an ice-cold liquid is poured on my head, dripping all over my hair, face, clothes, and shoes. Coffee.

Her friends burst out laughing, while she smirks at me.

I mirror her smirk.

She asked for it.

I lunge at her, almost sinking my nails into her face but someone holds me back, as arms wrap around my waist and pull me back. I struggle against them and Meghan stumbles toward her friends, trying to keep out of my reach.

"Let go! She started this, I'm allowed to do something!" I snarl.

"Calm down, Naomi."

I freeze, stopping my resist.


I turn my head as he loosens his grip to look at him.

"In the flesh." His cold eyes contrast his tone.

"Get the fuck off me." I begin to struggle again. He grunts, as my elbow digs into his ribs.

"Let's go." He lifts me off my feet, shuffling me away from my target. Meghan stares at us wide-eyed and chuckles.

Fucking bitch-

We turn the corner and she's out my sight while I push against him harder. He puts me down but keeps hold on my shoulders.

I'll fucking kill him.


"I'll get you some clothes, go dry off in the bathroom. Wait for me." With that, he leaves me standing in the hallway, wet, cold, and sticky.

I contemplate going back and beating Meghan's ass but the drink dripping down my forehead convinces me otherwise.

I take a deep breath, walking down the hall into the girl's bathroom. My shoes squeak against the black tile floor as I make my way to a sink.

Today wasn't supposed to be like this.

I wash off my face and neck, ignoring the horrible wet feeling spreading.

I thought I would see Daxon and do something but now I think he's getting way too comfortable with me. What made him think he had to hold me back? What made him think he could?

We're not friends, he's not anyone to me. He should just mind his own business.

Never mind messing with him, he'll think I'm trying to be friends with him or something. I hate clingy people. Maybe.

I get some paper towels and wipe off the diluted substance, squeezing it out my shirt.

I turn my head and see myself in the mirror. Water still drips down, soaking my jeans.

I smile. This is why I picked Meghan. She wasn't afraid of me, she's the only one who stood up to me. It was different.

I might've thought of her as my friend who I disagreed with, even though I stay away from stuff like that.

Good bonds made are the ones easiest to break. Dislike lasts longer and is much more flexible than friendship. We could be honest with each other.

Ah, I'll miss her. She was like the sister I never wanted. I still don't want.

I'm surprised I got bored with her. I thought this one would be more interesting. We'll see. The other one moved away. Little bitch.

Knocks at the door interrupt my thinking and I sigh. Is class already over? Why are they knocking? This place is public.

I walk over and open the door, looking out to see Daxon standing there. Hmm.

"This is the girl's bathroom." I remind him. He chuckles and reaches out his arm towards me. His hand contains clothing, looking like shorts and a t-shirt. Gym clothes.

"Wear this." He says.

"Leave me alone."

"Do you want to walk around wet the whole day?"

"It's none of your business."

"You'll get sick."

"Still not your business." I shrug, pushing past him. My eyes linger on his wet chest.

That's what he gets, I told him to let go.

"Naomi, wait." He grabs my wrists, pulling me back. He's way too touchy.

His grip grows painfully tight and I turn to glare at him.

"I just want to get to know you." He's lying. That dead look is in his eyes again. It always is. Ice grows around his eyes and spreads down his face.

"Don't fuck with me!" I dig my nails deep into his skin and scratch his fingers off me.

"I'm just trying to be nice." He says through clenched teeth, holding his injured hand. The ice cracks.

I'm getting to him. Great.

"Why?" I ask, standing across from him in the empty hall.

The silence expands, becoming louder and louder.

"Because I want to." He says, taking a step towards me. The ice shatters, disappearing as the shards float to the floor.

I don't like this. I don't need this, but it's such a good feeling to see him so serious. He's mad at me, he's trying to cover it up but I know he's still mad at me. He's bleeding because of me.

This is what I can live with.

"Fuck what you want," I say as the bell rings and the halls fill with kids. I turn around and go, not really heading somewhere.

I did it.

I begin chuckling.

I fucked with him, enough. For now, it's enough. I like him again, as long as he's someone I can get mad, he's someone on my list.

I look at the blood and skin underneath my fingernails and smirk.

Just how far will he go?
49 ~ 7/21/20

I'll be letting out at least two more chapters before tmr just so you guys reading can get a feel for the story.

Well until then.

Bye bye.

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