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Yeah, I'm never running again.

I heave as Daxon laughs at my efforts.

I gave up halfway but the short run took out a lot of me.

"Shut," breath, "the fuck," breath, "up." I tell Daxon as he starts laughing harder, as my hands rest on my knees.

Why is he such a bitch?

"How the hell are you going to be my bodyguard with pathetic stamina like that?" He calms down, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye.

Har Har.

I compose myself, lifting myself up as my fatigue passes.

"I just have to stand there with the gun and ping pow, they're dead." I explain pointing my fake hand gun at him.

Daxon stares at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

I blink at him.

"Is that really what you think?" He ask, still seeming confused.

I nod.

I know it isn't that easy but I mean, basically. If I shoot them before they can reach me, I don't have to go out of my way and run or something weird like that.

Daxon burst out in laughter again. I almost groan.

What's with his giggles suddenly?

"You're going to die." Another wave of laughter looks to hits him and he bends forward.

Did I say I'm hungry? I remember that.

I stomp pass him, into the small hut oozing out a delicious smell. A huge sign with the words, 24 hr BUFFET, reads above us.

A buffet? Is this even a real place or is my hunger making me hallucinate? This is way too convenient.

Daxon pushes pass me.

"Are you going to just stand there? I thought you said you were hungry slow poke." He insults me, preying on my stamina.

He thinks he's so funny. Bitch.

I mope my tired limps into the restaurant and shiver as warmth wraps around me and expels the cool night air from my system.

Daxon rolls his eyes at me, moving on to order us a table at the front counter. I glare into the back of his head.   

I'm going to cut that boy one day, he won't be rolling his eyes then.

Why not just do it now?

I've had enough for today. I want  some food and my bed. That's all.

A woman comes up to us and leads us to a small corner table, big enough to fit two people. We shuffle in either side and get seated as the woman stands waiting to take orders for our beverages.

"What drinks would you two like? I know young couples that sometimes want just one, if you know what I mean." The woman winks at us and her foot bounces, moving her curly red hair and chubby demeanor with it.

"We're not a couple." Daxon says, smirking at me.

I don't know what's so amusing to him. We aren't a couple, just employer and employee.

The woman gasps and shakes her head.

"I'm so sorry. I'll just take your drinks and get out of your way." She says quickly, pulling out her mini notepad from her side.

"Water." Daxon states, I side-eye him.

That's fine. Water can be fun too.

"Do you guys offer sundaes as drinks?" I ask, folding my hands together and tilting my head at her. Her eyebrows raise as she takes in what I said.

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