Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

Ryan shook his head softly, "Adrian and Shawn tend to get here almost at the same time as me, their bus is just behind today. Give it a moment."

Adrian turned to the corner with Shawn beside him and smiled seeing Maddox, "So it worked?"

"Yep," Maddox said, "Ryan's parents signed like four documents and now I'm theirs until adopted."

"Good," Shawn said. "Now Adrian will stop worrying."

"I didn't worry that much!"

"Believe what you want Addy," Shawn said. "Now we get to wait for the others."

"I don't know what takes them so long," Adrian said.

"Mike, Gabe, Zeek, Brax and Lucas all walk," Ryan said. "Lucas switches which of the two he walks with each week. The others ride a different bus."

"I hate that you know that," Adrian said, "Stalker."

Ryan rolled his eyes, "Whatever Adrian. I know it because Lucas told me his schedule with walking and Jaxson used to complain about riding a bus with them all."

"I would too," Maddox mumbled. "I usually walk with Austin."

"Aww, gay," Adrian said. Maddox rolled his eyes and looked at his phone sending a text real quick. "So you're back to texting Austin all the time?"

"Yep!" Maddox said, "He was worried all of last night."

"You're so kind," Adrian said. Salem walked over and ruffled Maddox's hair. Levi and Jaxson followed behind Salem while holding hands and Austin running up to Maddox and hugging him. Maddox smiled as he hugged Austin back, loose enough to not put pressure on any of the injuries.

Austin smiled at Maddox, "So everything's okay?"

"Everything is fine Austin," Maddox said, "You just have to go to Ryan's instead now."

"That's fine. Ryan's great, also might help you out a bit."

"Yeah, since he doesn't want to throw up when he sees injuries."

Austin nodded some, "Yeah..."

"You throw up at injuries?" Jaxson asked. Maddox nodded. "And you're Salem's friend??"

Maddox laughed, "I was roped into the group by Braxton and Adrian mostly. Salem is just kinda there."

"I accept that," Salem said, "I don't need to befriend small children."

"I'm a year younger than you," Maddox said.

"No you're not."

"Okay, so maybe more like 23 months but fuck off."

Levi looked at Maddox, "You are baby." Maddox rolled his eyes. Salem smiled some, which only grew when he saw Gabe walk into school, Micheal and Lucas in tow. "And Salem is so fucking gay."

Gabe looked at Levi, "You're holding your boyfriend's hand right now Levi."

"Just because I'm fucking gay doesn't mean I can't call others out for being gay," Levi said. The group paused when they heard a text notification. "If I check my phone, and Zeek says he's hurt again, I'm committing homicide."

Hell Bois

The Man: Guys I'm sick. Staying home. Don't kill each other please, and if anyone asks Gabe and Ryan are incharge.

Witch Trials: How dare you put them in charge!

The Man: None of you could handle that and those two might be able to keep you out of a fight Salem.

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