There's Something About Hook Foot, Part 4/4

Start from the beginning

The next day, Varian watches from a distance as Rapunzel and Eugene talk with Hook Foot, who is sitting on the beach staring out at the ocean. As the water ebbs and flows, the beach is suddenly littered with hundreds of individual pieces of blue sea glass. Hook Foot stands up, and begins to walk along the beach alone as Rapunzel and Eugene embrace each other.

"Whoa," Varian says, examining a piece of the sea glass as Cassandra approaches.

"They're called mermaid tears," Cassandra says as Varian observes the odd shape. "At least, that's what Seraphina told Hook Foot. They supposedly only appear when mermaids cry." She shrugs and adds, "If you can believe stuff like that."

Varian considers this. If it is true, then Seraphina must really be upset about leaving Hook Foot behind right now. "I actually feel bad for Hook Foot," he says. "Never thought I would ever say those words."

"That's what love will do to ya," Cassandra says. "Or, so I'm told."

Varian glances up at her. "So... you've never been in love?" He asks hesitantly.

Cassandra raises an eyebrow. "Like I would ever tell you."

Varian nods. Did he honestly expect her to respond any differently? He looks back down at the sea glass in his hand, and then smiles as he offers it to Cassandra.

"You're not gonna make me another necklace with this, are you?" She says teasingly as she stares at the glass.

Varian blushes slightly when he remembers the necklace he gave Cassandra last year, made from the element that he discovered and named after her. He hasn't seen her wear it since then, and after he attacked the kingdom he figured she probably threw it away or forgot all about it. Just the fact that she is mentioning it right now causes his smile to widen.

"I could if you want me too," he tells her, half joking but half not. "Just, uh, go on a date with me and consider it done."

     Cassandra rolls her eyes

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Cassandra rolls her eyes. "Thanks for the offer kid, but I'm good," she says, ruffling his hair. She pauses for a moment, but then takes the glass, pockets it, and walks away.

Varian sighs as he watches her go, feeling both happy and discouraged at the same time. He is glad to be friends with Cassandra, but he really wishes she didn't view him as just a little kid. After all, he is fifteen now!

"So, did you use any of the advice I gave Hook Foot on her?" Rapunzel asks, startling him as she comes up behind him.

"Huh? What do you mean? I-I have no idea what you're talking about," Varian stammers embarrassedly.

Rapunzel chuckles. "Why else would you have followed us yesterday?"

Varian rubs the back of his head. "Nothing gets passed you, does it?" He jokes with a nervous chuckle.

"Your secret is safe with me," she tells him. Her smile fades to an expression of concern. "But just... be careful, Varian. I don't want you getting hurt."

Varian shakes his head. He knows that the others are aware of his crush on Cassandra. Heck, even Cassandra is aware of his crush on her. But none of them are aware of the newest development, how his feelings for her are deepening, and he plans to keep it that way. He fears he may already be well on his way to heartbreak, but there's nothing he can do to change that. "Um, thanks Rapunzel," he says with a small smile.

"Oh! And I was gonna tell you," Rapunzel says. "We found enough of the caravan wreckage to start rebuilding it! Isn't that good news?"

Varian's face lights up. Finally, something to do to that can distract him! "That is good news," he agrees. "I've missed having something to work on."

Rapunzel grins as she links her arm through his. The two of them walk along the beach together, admiring the beautiful sea glass as it sparkles in the sunlight.

 The two of them walk along the beach together, admiring the beautiful sea glass as it sparkles in the sunlight

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