Chapter Sixty One

Começar do início

The walls were painted in yellow and the floor was carpeted, unlike the other bedrooms where they were wood. Attached to the windows was a silk white drape. And under that window were two white bassinets. Beatrice walked over and placed her hands on the bassinets before retreating them to her stomach. She looked back at Tobias and stifled in a cry.

"When did you have the time to do this?" She cried softly.

Tobias wiped her tears with his thumb, smiling and laughing. "That doesn't matter." He held her hand and walked over to the wooden chair in the corner of the room. "Here, we'll read bedtime stories," they walked over to an area where there were soft pillows lying around. "And here, our kids are going to play." Tobias took both of her hands and kissed her lips. "I know we still don't know whether or not we'll even have two kids right away, and if not we'll make another one."

Beatrice laughed, sniffing back tears. "It's beautiful."

A sudden and moment-ruining pain in Beatrice's stomach made her hand go flying to it. She held onto it and took deep breaths, groaning silently. Tobias caught her before her knees buckled. He carried her into his arms, holding her close to him.

"I'm sure it's fine." Beatrice said slowly, her hand still on her stomach.

"Shh, don't speak."

Tobias was still carrying her in his arms. Beatrice wrapped her arms around her husband, wishing the pain in her stomach could go away so she could continue the nice and perfect moment they were previously having. She was so busy with stomaching the pain that she couldn't hear the loud cry coming from down the stairs.

But Tobias had heard, and his heart began beating tremendously fast.

He set her down carefully on the wooden chair. Tobias could see how much pain she was currently in, and how her emotions were overwhelmed. He didn't want her to worry and stress more, so he didn't tell her what he had heard.

"I think our guests are worried about us, so I'll go downstairs and clear their minds." Tobias said, taking her hand and crouching down in front of the rocking chair.

Beatrice forced a smile. "I thought you didn't care what people thought."

He forced a chuckle. "Beatrice, please stay here, in this room. I'll come to get you, alright? Just stay here."

"Nonsense. We have guests downstairs, and we're hosting a dinner together. I'm coming with you." Beatrice gripped the wooden chair and tried to stand up, but she groaned in pain and sat back down.

"Honey, please stay here. You're in pain, and I want you to rest. Stay here until I come to get you, okay?"

Beatrice stared into his eyes. She knew something was wrong, and she knew he wasn't going to tell her anything. "What's wrong? Has something happened?" As she pronounced those words, another pain went to her stomach.

"Beatrice," He pleaded. "I'll go get Christina, maybe she can help. But when she gets here, you three should stay inside and wait until I come and get you."

She saw the hurt and worry in his eyes, so she nodded. "I love you."

Tobias pursed his lips and placed both his hands on the arm rests. He leaned down and pressed his lips onto hers in a hungry kiss. "I love you, my love. Promise me you'll stay here."

"You can't leave me. You can't. Tobias, please."

He repeated his words. "I love you." Ignoring her protests, he opened the door and closed it back as she cried out his name. Tears streamed down his face as he walked down the halls and turned to Christina's bedroom. The noise of glass breaking and cries continuing made his pace fasten. He knocked quietly and sighed in relief when she opened with Aaron on her hip. "You and your son need to come right away."

Christina furrowed her brows and held her son closer. "What are you talking about? I'm about to put him down to sleep."

"Christina," He sighed, entering without her permission and closing the door carefully. "There's someone in the castle and I need to know you and Aaron and Beatrice will be okay. Where's your husband?"

Memories of the attack on the castle began flooding her mind, but she pushed them away. "He's gone to visit family for a couple of days. He won't be here until tomorrow."

"Go to the nursery, the room next to our bedroom. Beatrice is in there, and she's experiencing pain. Soothe her, comfort her. Let your son sleep in one of the bassinets. You're in charge, Christina, and you don't let anyone come out until I come inside. Do you understand?"

Christina grabbed the pacifier from the crib and placed it in Aaron's mouth. She nodded and closed the lights in the room before quietly making her way to the nursery. She looked back and saw Tobias going down the stairs in a hurry, which quickened her pace. She opened the door and smiled at Beatrice, who was in small pain. Christina set Aaron on the floor and went to take care of Beatrice.

Tobias gripped his clothing as he neared the end of the stairs. He instantly saw the two guards guarding the door lying on the floor, dead. He gasped and began running to the dining hall. Without thinking, he pushed open the doors and took a deep breath when he saw the guests were alive.

A man holding a gun turned around slowly. He was waving it around, and once he turned away, Evelyn fell into her brother's arms. Tobias' face contorted into a sneer when he came face to face with the intruder.

"Am I late for the family reunion?" He said in a raspy voice.

If it hadn't been for his mother's reaction, or the cold voice that came out of that mouth, Tobias wouldn't have been able to identify him. "Marcus."

"In the flesh, son." He replied. "Let's eat."

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