Final chapter.

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A/N: Guys, this is the final chapter...........I KNOW!:(


Jenny's POV.

    "What time is the sofa coming?" Harry asked on the other end of the phone.
"For the last time, 4." I laughed lifting a box off the removal van and walking into the house.

    In the end, Harry and i decided when he came back from tour that we'd like to live together, so after Harry finished tour and his schedule slowed down, we house hunted, and found the perfect place; 3 bedrooms,reception,kitchen,dining area, and an amazing living-room that i will enjoy furnishing.

I wasn't so into the idea of living with Harry, only because of his job, but my mum told me i have to just go with it, and if i love him enough, it doesn't matter what his job is; she was right.

   "I'm sorry," He chuckled. "I'll be home for 3, so you won't have the awkward talk with the delivery men that you hate."
I smiled."You called it home."
   "Of course babe, it's our home with or without anything in it."
"I love you."
   "I love you too, now finish off with the boxes and i'll be out the studio as fast as possible."
"Okay, love you."
   "Love you too."
I hung up the phone, placed it in my pocket, and shouted to the girls."Come on girls!" I called, Danielle,Perrie and Eleanor walked in with boxes.
   "Oh my god," Eleanor gawped.
  "Can i live with you too?" Danielle joked.
      "You have some taste!" Perrie exclaimed.
The girls looked around in amazement as i placed my box in the kitchen.
"Thank you," I smiled. "Now chop chop! We have boxes to move!" I clapped.


Several hours later and Harry was home, he'd helped me with the remaining boxes, and i let Perrie and Danielle go home, Eleanor though, insisted on staying.

   "This sofa is so comfy." Eleanor spoke.

We'd all gotten worn out and began eating chocolate with our feet kicked up on mine and Harry's brand new sofa.
    "I know, but i think we need more than just a sofa in the living room." Harry joked.
I leaned into Harry and sighed."For now; i'm happy right here."
Eleanor aw'd as she watched us both."You two really are perfect for each other."
    "I know,"  Harry smiled, he leaned down and kissed my forehead making me smile instantly.

And to think we were once; just good friends.

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