Chapter 30.

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Jenny's POV.

   "Hey babe," Harry smiled. I got myself comfortable in front of the laptop and turned to see his face smiling on my screen. Harry and the boys have been on tour 2 months now, i've coped better than i thought i would have, i've been to visit him with the girls when i can and when i can't we do skype calls as often as possible. Most days i try to not think about it, but when your boyfriend is basically everywhere, it's hard not to think about him, and what him and the boys are up to.

"Hey you." I smile.
   "I miss you,"
"I miss you more." I pout.
   "Eleanor's come out here today, it's made me miss you more,"
I smile sadly at Harry's shrunken body. "Oh yeah; i remember her telling me she was coming for a few days."

   "So what have you been up to today?" He asked changing the subject.
"Well i had the day off so i met Danielle for Starbucks, then we went house hunting for a while."
Harry quirked his eyebrow ."House hunting?"
"Yeah." I nodded. "I was thinking, i want to move out of my flat, i have enough money to get a house now, so i think it's time."
    "Don't you think that's something we should do together?"
I looked at him confused. "Together?"
    "Yeah, i mean; we could house hunt together and then maybe.."
"You're saying us living together?"
    "If you want to." He smiled.
I sighed, of course i love Harry, and of course i want to do all that stuff with him, but right now?
"Do you think it's the right time to do that Harry? You have to focus on other things."
    "So you're saying no?"
"No i'm not saying no, i'm just saying..well, think about it, you're always away, we'll hardly spend much time together, we should live together when your schedule dies down a bit."
    "And if it doesn't?"
"Then we'll..ugh Harry i don't know, you're thinking too much into the're not even in England!" I sighed exasperatedly.
    "I've already thought about my future, our future, what it's going to be like, but obviously you don't love me as much as i love you."
"Harry that isn't fair, you can't say i don't love you because i haven't thought about our future."
    "Do you love me?"
"Are you even asking me that question, i really can't believe you're even asking me that."
    "You didn't answer."
"Because i don't need to, you know i've never loved anyone like you before,"
     "Well sometimes.."
"Sometimes what?"
    "I don't know."
"Harry i don't know why you're acting like this, i've had an amazing day and you're ruining it for no reason."
    "Oh, i'm ruining it? How about i'll just end it all here then?"
   He sighed rubbing his eyes. "Nothing, i didn't mean it, i'm tired."
"No, it's fine." I feel the tears beginning to fall slightly,but i wipe them away quickly.
    "Jenny don't cry,i hate when you cry on skype."
"I've got to go Harry, talk soon."
    "Love y-"
 I snapped my laptop shut, all i wanted to do was tell my boyfriend i'd found a house for myself, and this is the response?

  Harry: i love you, i'm sorry,i love you. xxx
Me: love you too xx

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