Chapter 29

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Jenny's POV.

    “Well it’s been lovely seeing you,” My mum smiled as Harry loaded our bags into the car.
  Yesterday Harry's mum,Robin and Gemma drove up to see us, my mum had told them about us visiting for 3 days and they jumped at the chance to see us. It was nice to be with both our parents, and it was nice for me to see Gemma, she was like the sister i never had whilst growing up.

“I'll see you around Christmas time,” I smiled as I turned to see Harry standing behind me.
     "Okay honey." Mum smiled sadly."Take care of her,Harry."
  “I will,” Harry smiled to both of my parents.

The drive home was quick, it felt quicker than the journey up to mum and dads, i think that was just me because in the back of my mind, i didn't want tomorrow to come.

“Are you staying at mine tonight?” I asked as we drove past the first road sign telling us we were shortly approaching London.
   “Er- i best stay at mine tonight, need to pack and get things sorted."
He took his eyes off the road for a quick moment to look at me.
   “I'm sorry." He continued.
“Where abouts are you heading off to tomorrow?" I asked hoping it wasn't too far away, but i knew deep down that i wouldn't get the answer i was hoping for.
   “Well, it's the European promo tour tomorrow, so Sweden,Italy,Spain,France.."
I could see him shifting awkwardly in the corner of my eye.
   “Yeah, it's about 5 days of travelling, then we're off to America."
“America?,” I winced. “How long for?"
   “Hmm, i'm not too sure, about 4 days..i think” he rubbed the back of his neck.“I’ll find out when we’re back.”

So that's 9 days when Harry's out of this country completely.
  Stop being selfish jenny, let him do his job.

"I hope you have fun." I smiled weakly.
   "I'll bring you something back from every country."He winked.
"You know you don't have to." I rolled my eyes.

 Harry pulled up into his parking spot and we both jumped out. He gave me my bags and i smiled at him appreciatively.

 Once the elevator reached Harry's floor, i walked out of it with him to his door.
   "Shouldn't it be the boyfriend assisting the girlfriend to their door?" He joked dropping his bag.
"You're such an idiot." I let out a small laugh, i couldn't laugh properly, my heart was sinking by the minute.
   "I'll see you in the morning okay?"
I nodded and gave him a hug as he kissed me.
"What time do you leave?" I asked.
"I'll see you then, then." I smiled weakly.
   "Okay babe," I kissed Harry again and headed towards the elevator.

As i walked into my flat, i looked around and felt a surge of emptiness run through me.

"Well," I sighed dropping my bags and throwing my keys on the sofa as i walked into the kitchen to turn the kettle on."Better get use to this." I sighed sitting on the stool as silence engulfed me.


The following morning i woke up with a horrible feeling. You know the one where you're going to have to do something, and there's no way of getting out of it? Like when you have to speak in front of your class, or go to the dentist to get a tooth out? Yeah, i have that feeling right now, and it's eating me up.

    I changed quickly knowing Harry was leaving pretty soon so i didn't bother making an effort, after all it's 7:30am!

I made my way down to the entrance to our apartment block and saw Harry loading his bags into a van, the boys were already in there; they've obviously picked Harry up last. I waved to Louis and Liam- guessing Zayn and Niall had fallen back to sleep; not surprising.

 Harry walked back over to me smiling, it wasn't his normal smile; this one was pained,and guilty. I didn't want him to feel guilty for leaving me, it's his job.

I held out my arms and he hugged me, in between he'd kiss me.
"I love you," I whispered, i was scared to actually speak in case i started sobbing.
   "I love you too, you know that." he said still hugging me.
He pulled away and held my waist brushing spare flicks of my hair out my face.
   "I'll be home before you know it, then i'll make you as much toast as possible." He winked.
 I nodded and chuckled a little hugging him once again; this time a couple tears fled my eyes.

Harry pulled back once again and wiped my tears.
   "I've got to go, i'll call you when we land." He kissed me one last time and i held his face and began crying against his lips. "I love you." He said quietly. I opened my eyes to see he was slightly emotional too and i pulled away.
"I love you too,"

Harry kissed my cheek then turned, the paparazzi were taking photos from every angle, the thought of me being in the papers didn't bother me at that point in time.

Harry got inside the van and i saw Louis pat his back sympathetically. Harry waved at me, then blew me a kiss and i pretended to catch it making him smile.

  The van drove off, and as cliche as it sounds, i think my heart broke slightly.

Once i was back in my flat i flopped onto my sofa not wanting to do anything, or see anyone, i just wanted to be alone.

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