Chapter 22.

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Jenny's POV.

We've been on this flight to America for 3 hours now.
  I was excited at first, i've never been to America so the thought of just being there excited me.

I thought everyone would be asleep,but the only people that have nodded off are Zayn and Niall, but it's understandable, Perrie found her Little Mix schedule clashed with the VMA's and isn't able to attend, so now it's just myself,El and Danielle.

   "Bored?" Harry asked taking out my headphone.
I frowned."I was listening to my music Mr Styles."
   "I know." He chuckled."But i want to talk to you."
"Why?" I smiled turning to face him.
   "Because i like your voice..?" He blushed.
I shook my head at my unbelievably cute boyfriend and turned off my ipod.
"What do you want to talk about?" I asked.
"You nervous?"
    "For the VMA's?"
"Yeah." I nodded.
    "More or less excited." He grinned. "But, i know when they read our category i'll be nervous."
"You'll be fine." I promised kissing him on the lips.
    "I hope so." He mumbled entwining our fingers together.


"..Oh my wow." I said walking into mine and Harry's hotel room, i say room, we could easily live in here.
   "I know." Harry chuckled dropping mine and his suitcases and wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.
"It's amazing." I gasped looking around.
   "You're amazing." He whispered making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
 I laughed and wiggled out of his hold. I ran and jumped onto the bed. Oh i am in heaven.
"Do you think they'd notice if i stole this bed?" I joked sitting up and leaning on my elbows.
Harry smirked at my comment."I think so babe."
He walked over to me and we lay face to face on the bed in comfortable silence.
"I'm so proud of you." I whispered kissing his cute little nose.
    "I love you."He said kissing my nose making me smile.
"I love you too,Harry."
  He took hold of my necklace i had on and looked at it before smiling.
"Yes, it's the one you gave me the night of prom." I said.
   "I know." He smiled. "I'm just surprised you kept it."
"I've never taken it off since prom night."
  He kissed me again this time for a lot longer.

"Harry."I mumbled against his lips.
   "Hmm?"He smirked biting my bottom lip and making me moan,he only did that because he knew it turned me on,bastard.
"We need to get some sleep, you have a busy morning of interviews then the VMA's." I said backing away slightly.
   "Not one more kiss?" He pouted.
   "Okay."He sighed kissing my lips quickly.
"I'll make you a deal." I started as he looked into my eyes.
   "Every time you win a moon man, i'll give you a long hot steamy make out session, deal?"
He smirked. "Definite deal."

Just Good Friends// [h.s]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum