Chapter 26.

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Jenny's POV.

   "You ready for our date?" Asked Harry as he walked into my flat.
I finished applying my lipstick and smiled at my appearance."Yep."
  I turned round to be met with the beautiful green eyes belonging to my boyfriend.
   "You look breathtaking." He said pecking my lips.
"I try." I giggled turning off the tv and picking up my little bag.

  We've been back in England for 3 days now,
      Harry and the boys are getting busier and busier, they have a packed schedule next week as they're going to start promoting the new album that's out soon, after promotion, it's tour rehearsals,and after that; we know what that means.
  No Harry for 8 months.

Hey, let's not dwell on that now, let's just appreciate the time we do have.

"Where are you taking me then Mr.Styles?" I giggled.
   "I was thinking that new Italian restaurant in town?"
"You know i won't say no to Italian food." I smiled sitting in his car,it smelt so much like Harry,something i love very much about Harry's car, it was just him, the radio stations he had on, the things he had in the glove compartment; everything.


When we entered the restaurants, the waiters eyes just about exploded out of his head.
   "Hello." Harry said cheerily.
"H-have you made reservations?" The waitor stuttered.
   "Oh, no..i didn't know i had to.." Harry blushed.
"No problem at all!" The waitor smiled."Seeing as it's you.." He winked. "I can get you a table laid out pronto, just bare with me." He smiled rushing off.
 "The perks of having a boyfriend in a worldwide boyband ey?" I teased squeezing Harry's hand a little.
   "I guess, i just wish to be treated normally." He muttered.
"You love it." I laughed kissing his cheek.
           "Right this way!" The waitor beamed.


   "..And then Liam just gave her her camera back after we performed, and she was just in pure shock!" Harry laughed.

  We've been slowly making our way through our main course; mine being pasta carbonara, and Harry's being Lasagne. No it's not typical 'date' food, but we're totally comfortable eating whatever around each other.

Harry was just explaining when Liam took a girls camera off her during a song, he filmed the boys all up close whilst they sang, then when the song finished he handed it back to her.

"That's crazy!" I laughed.
He chuckled at the memory as he drank his coke."It was pretty hilarious watching her face take it what just happened.."

"Anyway, i was thinking.." I started.
    "Yes.." He looked a little concerned at what i was going to say.
"It's nothing bad, don't panic." I held his hand.
"Well, i'm off for another 6 days, and i was thinking about seeing my parents.."
   "Oh? Are they coming down?" He inquired eating some of his lasagne.
"No..I was planning on going up there, to Manchester to visit."
   "Oh..alright." He smiled. "So you'll be gone..3 days?"

My face dropped.
  I was kind of hoping he'd offer to come up with me..

"Harry..i think you're missing what i'm trying to say." I explained exasperatedly.
    "What are you trying to say?"

Is he actually this clueless?
"I was wondering if you'd like to come up with me, make it exclusive to them, sure they've known you all your life but, they don't know you as my boyfriend."

   "I'd love to." A grin broke out on his face.
"I'll get the boys to cover for me whatever we have planned, and we'll drive up, yeah?"
"Great!" I exclaimed.
   "I've missed your parents."
"We could stop off see yours too? Their house is on the way to mine."
   "Sounds like a plan babe." He smiled pushing his lasagne away from him.


After the meal, Harry drove us towards central London.
I frowned looking around."Aren't we going home?" I asked.
   "I thought we were on a date?" Harry smirked.

After about 15 minutes of the car journey and Harry and myself singing our hearts out to the radio, Harry pulled up by the London Eye.

"We're going on there?" I asked pointedly.
"But Harry, you know i'm terrified of heights, why.."
   "Trust me?"

We got out of the car and i took Harry's hand, he nodded at the man once we approached the London Eye, and we climbed to our own pod.
 I was literally shaking like a leaf.

"Harry i don't like it." I mumbled into his chest.
He sat me down on the bench in the middle of the pod and held my hand tightly. I felt the pod moving, but i couldn't open my eyes.

   "Sshh, don't worry,i'm here."Harry whispered kissing my hairline.

After 5 minutes, Harry stood up, taking me with him.
"Harry what are you doing?" I panicked as i felt him walking towards the window.
    "Just trust me, okay?" He said as we walking slowly.
"Please." I whined."I'm scared."
   "Of what? I'm here, nothing can happen to you,i promise."

He was right, but i decided to still keep my eyes shut tight.

   "Open your eyes." He said as he stopped walking.
"Uh-uh." I shook my head like a toddler.
   "Right.." I felt him leave my side and stand in front of me. "Open you eyes now, you won't see anything but me,i promise."

I opened my eyes slowly to be met by Harry, and only Harry.
   "See?" He chuckled."It's just me."
I nodded in satisfaction, until he started to slowly move.
"Where are you going?"
    "Don't worry."
He took to my side again and held my hand. I kept my eyes open and looked out to the whole of London.

"Wow.." i gasped looking over at all the lights, and the river."It's beautiful."
Harry smiled in accomplishment and tugged my hand a little.
   "Glad you did it?"
"Yeah..thank you." I smiled kissing his lips.
   "For what?"
"You know what you did." I laughed.
   "I didn't do anything, i simply walked to the window with my beautiful girlfriend.."

I couldn't help but kiss him, the fact that he's my boyfriend,no one elses, the fact that he does little things like this for me, just to make me feel loved,something i never thought i'd experience. Now that i have, it scares me, because what if one day i wake up to not having anyone love me? What if one day love isn't an option.

Love is just about risks though,

  Isn't it?

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