Chapter 21.

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Jenny's POV.

  "So why have you gathered us all here?" Danielle asked as the boys and their girlfriends(I'm now part of the girlfriend club,finally!) sat in a restaurant.
 "Well.." Louis started. He looked at all the boys who's expressions i couldn't quite read,even Harry's was expressionless,and that's what terrified me.
"Well?.." I asked gesturing for him to carry on.
  "You know how we did that tour in England,then did one in America.."
   "You're going back on tour again? But you said yo-"
  "Let me finish." Louis laughed interrupting Eleanor. "Well, the American's seem to like us, and our album did well,so did our songs, and in America, they have all these music events, and we've just so happened to have been invited to one.."
"Yes.." I said looking at Harry who smiled at me then looked at Louis.
   "We've been nominated for three moon-men, for the best pop video, most share-worthy video and the best new artist in Mtv's VMA's this year.

Myself and the girls looked at eachother in shock.

  They've been nominated-

   "Oh my god!" Danielle squealed. We all got up from our side of the table and pounced on the boys' laps, we earned some strange looks from other's trying to eating quietly in the restaurant, but we really don't care.

The girls spoke loudly with the boys about how proud they were while i sat with Harry a little away from the others.

"I'm so proud of you." I smiled kissing Harry firmly on the lips.
   "Thank you." He smiled.
I felt myself tear up a little, i'd known this boy my whole life, and now he's really become a huge superstar.
I giggled wiping the tear away. "I knew you'd be famous one day,i just knew it!"
   "Don't cry!" Harry smiled wiping my eyes.
   "Don't be." He said kissing my cheeks.
"I'm so proud." I repeated.
   "You haven't heard the best bit yet." Harry chuckled.
"There's more?" I quirked an eyebrow.
   "Yeah.." He reached into his pocket, as he did this,i saw the other boys doing it too, well everyone except Niall; really need to hook him up with someone.

I looked back at Harry who was holding an envelope.
           I opened it slowly and saw that it was a ticket.

"What's this?" I questioned. I read on and saw that the ticket was to the VMA's.
   "You're coming to the VMA's!" Harry cheered quietly. I sqealed and hugged him kissing him all over his face.
"Oh my god!" I squealed again.
    "Yeah,you better get packing,we leave in 3 days." Harry smirked kissing my cheek.

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