Chapter 14.

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Jenny's POV.

"..No Eleanor."
   "Come on Jenny."
"No,and that's final."
   "I have a nice dress." She sang childishly.
"I don't care." I sang back readjusting my position on the sofa.
   "Please." She whined.
  She began pouting, but i giggled and started scrolling through television channels.

  Eleanor has been begging me to go out with her to some club for the past half an hour, and i am adamant on not going.

   "Give me a good reason on why not to go."
"I don't need to give a reason,i just don't want to go."
   "So if you stay in, what will you do?"
"Watch tv, make snacks, be happy."
   "But if you come out, you could meet a guy, get tipsy,we could dance." She grinned.
"But i don't want to do that El."
   "You're boring," She sighed.
"Why thank you."
   "I've got the most perfect dress and heels for you to try on, if i show you, could i possibly change your mind?"
"You can show me them, won't make me want to wear them." I laugh.

  She unzipped her bag, and pulled out a black dress, it was so that it would go above knee, and it had a jewelled colourful collar, it is really nice..
She then took out some burgundy heels, she knows my weakness is heels,and my favourite colour is burgundy.

"That's nice.." I smiled.
   "Will you come?" She asked hopefully.
   "Oh come on Jenny! We never go out, the boys will be there,Perrie,Danni, everyone! We want you there!"
"Will they be there?" I asked averting my gaze from the television to Eleanor.
   "Rachel?" I nodded and she sighed. "She may make an appearance."
"Then definitely no."
   "Please Jenny, i'll-i'll-i'll-"
"You'll what?" I smirked.
   "I don't know!" She exclaimed in frustration."I just want you to come to this club with me,and stop being so fucking stubborn!"

  Woah, i've really pushed Eleanor.

"Fine." I sighed.
   "Yay." She clapped triumphantly.
"That dress better be a size medium." I replied taking it off her and studying it more.

_______ ___________ _______________ ___________

After spending 2 hours of getting ready, Eleanor and I were finally getting out the taxi and walking towards the club. Paparazzi were taking photos as usual, no; Eleanor and i aren't famous, but i'm the 'famous best friend of Harry Styles teen sensation.' and Eleanor's the 'famous girlfriend of Louis Tomlinson teen sensation.' So we often get papped.

   "And here we are." Eleanor smiled nodding at the bouncers.
"Great." I mumbled rubbing my hands a little to muster up some warmth, it may be summer but it definitely get's cold at night.

   "Eleanor!" Andy, Liam's bestfriend, exclaimed.
  "Andy!" She giggled.
    "Jenny!" He practically screamed. I noticed the club had been rented out obviously by the boys as i saw only familiar faces,friends and the boys.
 The boys who were sitting at a table turned round as they heard Andy say my name.
 I smiled and hugged him before he pulled away.
    "I haven't seen you in ages babes!"
"I'm a busy bee." I winked jokingly.
    "Catch up with you later." He smiled walking off.

I scanned the room for any sign of Harry and his walking wart of a girlfriend but they didn't seem to have made an appearance..yet.

   "Jenny,thought i heard Andy shout you." Louis joked as i made my way over to the boys. I saw Eleanor had sat in with Perrie and Danielle.
"Is that sarcasm i hint?" I smirk hugging Louis then moving onto Zayn.

Soon after finishing my hugs with the boys and Perrie and Danielle, first rounds of drinks were being ordered and i was relaxing a little until i saw out the corner of my eye the one face i didn't want to see.

  Luckily, he was alone, i couldn't deal with Rachel tonight.

"I-er-need to pee." I whispered to Eleanor.
   "Hey, don't leave because of him,stay." She smiled warmly.
"I just-er-need to pee." I replied.
  She gave me 'the look' then moved off the seat so i could slide out.

As i walked to the bathroom i could feel Harry's eyes watching me, and just as i was about to walk into the bathroom, he tapped my shoulder.

"I don't want to hear any apology Harry, i'm over it,so whatever."
   "But i want us to be friends, be normal."
"It'll never be normal Harry,now if you don't mind." I said nodding towards the girls toilets. He nodded his head sadly and i walked in and ran straight to the cubicle.

I began crying, not necessarily the best place to cry seeing as i have to walk back out,and i've practically cried every inch of makeup off but right now, i don't care,i don't care about anything anymore.

  I pulled the toilet roll off the toilet ring and wiped all my salty tears,and all my makeup off and stood up brushing my dress down.
  I unlocked the cubicle then ran to the mirror to adjust my messed up disaster of a face. I drew in a few deep breaths and then stepped out the bathroom.

I caught Eleanor just as she was walking back from the bar, i didn't want the others to see my state. "El, i-i think i'm going to go home." I smiled.
   "What?Now? The parties just starting!" She grinned.
"I know, but i don't feel like partying." I said looking down at my shoes.
   "Is this about dickhead again?" She sighed placing her drinks on the near by table and placing her hands on my shoulders.
"No, it's just i don't want to be here anymore." I smiled meeting her gaze.
   "Do you want me to take you home?" She offered.
"Oh no,i'll be fine, i'll order a taxi and stay by the bouncers until it comes." I lied.
   "Okay, well text me when you're home okay? I'll tell the others you felt sick." She smiled hugging me.
"You're the best."
   "Of course i am." She chuckled.

I walked towards the exit and saw a million lights flashing in front of my eyes.
  As i began to walk through London, i took in every scene; people making out, people falling out of clubs, friends getting into taxis, people falling out of taxis, it was amusing to watch.

  The wind picked up a little,so i wrapped my leather jacket more around myself, and my heels were starting to dig into me a little but it's nothing i couldn't handle, i just need a walk.

  I was walking quite happily when out of no where a man placed his arms around my shoulders.
  "Hey darling." He breathed.
   "Where are you going on this fine evening?"
   "Mind if i join you?" He asked stroking my shoulder slowly which sent goosebumps all over my body, not good ones,they were terrified goosebumps,ones that screamed 'don't hurt me'.
"Matter of fact,i do." I defended.

 He suddenly grabbed my elbow and he pulled me down an alley, and just to make my life worse,it was dark so i could hardly see him..i say hardly, i mean barely.

He leaned in and kissed my neck, not in a romantic way,it was forced,and hard and disgusting.
   "I'll have to do you here then." He replied bitterly.
"Um-i really must-" He hushed me with his fingers and carried on kissing me all over, i felt frozen,scared,violated.
He forced a leg between my own and then ran a hand up and my bare leg.
  'Why didn't i wear tights?' I cursed.

He carried on kissing my neck as well as vigorously rubbing my leg until he all of a sudden reached up inside my pants.
 I gasped in shocked and pushed him off but he soon came back laughing evilly.

  "One who likes to struggle,ey?" He asked rhetorically.

I squirmed some more but the stranger carried on being forceful and in the the end, i did what my mum always told me to do to a man if it ever happened.

  I screamed.

I kicked him in the balls.

Then ran.

I ran down the alley, not realising how long it was,gosh these heels were digging in now.
Before i could reach the end of the alley, the man grabbed me and threw me at the wall causing me to hit my head violently hard,i screamed out in pain and looked up to see the man had disappeared.

I closed my eyes, they were suddenly feeling heavy,what's happening?
  I was seeing stars, and my head was spinning.

I looked up to see a figure flashing a light in my face,it was so bright i squinted but i still couldn't see them.

"Jenny?" They gasped. I recognised their voice,who was it? Think Jenny,think. I tried thinking,but it was so hard,my eyes were heavy and my brain was foggy, i all of a sudden remembered who it was!

I would of replied.
  I should of replied.

But instead, i blacked out.

Just Good Friends// [h.s]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora