Chapter 8: Stiles

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I am sprinting through the woods, panting heavily. I am being chased and am scared for my life.

I look behind my shoulder, and see she had gotten closer. Running faster, I look forward and see the boy.

"Run! Run!" I shout. Couldn't he see that she was chasing me? She's dangerous! Run!

The boy doesn't move, he stays completely still, one ray of the sun pointing on him, while the rest of the sky is cloudy.

I look back once again, and trip. I fall down hard and turn onto my back quickly. She's caught up to me, but surprisingly she isn't looking at me, she is looking at the boy.

I bare my teeth and growl. "Don't. Don't touch him!" I roar, getting up and shielding him.

She smiles, teeth and all. "Oh Derek. You don't need to defend him, he's already mine."

"No!" I yell. Somehow she has got him and is holding him by his hair. She grabs her knife, looking at me. She smiles again.

"No! No! Stop!" I scream desperately. I try to run, but I am stuck, as if my feet were glued to the ground.

She smiles once again and drags the knife across the boys throat.

"No!" I scream, kicking the sheets and thrashing around. I blink a few times and realize I am no longer in the woods, but I am in the hospital.

'It was just a dream. It just a dream.' I think, over and over.

The door opens, and Laura comes running in. I smile, as if I haven't just had a terrible and terrifying nightmare.

"Derek! Oh my god, you're awake!" She hugs me hard and I groan.

She pulls back and beams at me. "You look so much better!"

"You do." My father says, apparently the whole pack was here, completely filling the room.

My mother comes and sits on the edge of the hospital bed. "You do look much better, I'm glad. We brought you some clothes. I'm assuming you don't want to stay in that terribly tacky hospital gown." She says with a chuckle.

"Why? Is it not my color?" The room erupts into a fit of laughter.

"So, why am I in a hospital? It's a very. . . mundane place for a werewolf to be."

Mother smiles. "Yes, well, we will talk about that after you are changed."

The pack exits the room and I haul myself out of bed. I grab the clothes that my mother hands me and smile. Of course, she would pack my favorite clothes, black jeans and a Henley.

I change and make my way outside, where my family is waiting. "You must be starving." Alex says.

"Oh my god you have no idea." I reply.

Everyone laughs again and we head to the cafeteria. There, I sit and wait, while Laura, Cameron, and Charlie go get me some food. It takes all three of them to carry all of the food.

They sit it down and I eye it all greedily. They brought back three bagels, four blueberry muffins, two cartons of yogurt, three pieces of toast, two bowls of fruit, and six pudding cups, alongs with two bottles of water.

I immodestly start scarfing down the food as if I have never eaten, and Laura grimaces.

"You're such a pig Derek." I swallow.

"No I'm a wolf." I say sarcastically.

Then it hits me. A marvelous scent, much better than these blueberry muffins. A smell of cinnamon, coffee and. . . home. I swallow immediately and snap my head up.

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