Chapter 14: Figuring Things Out

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When I wake up, a flood of embarrassment washes over me. I groan out loud, I can't believe I did all of that to Stiles. Could I have gotten any weirder?

I look over, but see Stiles is no where to be found, the only thing left is a note.

Sorry, but I had to leave before my dad got back. Don't beat yourself up over last night, I'm glad I could help.

See you soon,


I fall back down to the pillows and take in a deep breath. I don't want to face my family, but I know that I can't avoid them forever.

I get up and take a shower, then proceed through my morning routine. I walk downstairs, hoping to just grab my keys and leave, but my mother stops me.

"Good morning Derek, have some breakfast." She smiles. I sigh. There's no getting out of this one.

I take my seat at the table and load up my plate full of eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, and a couple pancakes.

Once everyone is seated and has their food, my father says the blessing. As soon as the word amen is spoken, everyone eats.

"Derek-" My mother starts.

"Can we just talk about this later, alone?" I ask.

"Derek this is a pack matter, they can hear it."

I growl, but don't say anything else.

"This obviously changes things."

"Obviously." I growl.

"Derek, watch the attitude." My father snaps. I only growl louder.

"Stop it right now." I resist growling again. "Now then, we found your anchor, that's a good thing, especially because it's your mate, but. . . this also causes issues."

"Yeah no kidding. I'm supposed to have a mate that's. . . normal! He's just fourteen! How am I supposed to-to- live with a fourteen year old mate?"

"Derek, I understand, but we can work something out."

"I don't think you understand." I sigh.

"I do understand." She says sternly, almost as if she is offended.

"Then you'll know how hard this is going to be for me!" I shout.

"Derek," Peter speaks. "I'm sure you can control your horny-ness for I little while, can't you? At least until he's fifteen."

I stand up and roar, I can't believe he said something like that. Before I can kill him, I grab my keys and slam the door shut, headed to school.

"And it was such a nice breakfast." My mother mumbles.

After speeding towards school, I arrive shortly. I head inside, but basically ignore everyone who tries to talk to me.

I head towards the locker room for swim practice, hoping that the water will cool me down.

After doing the routine that coach wants, I lazily swim.

"Hey Derek." Coach Phillip says. "I've noticed you've been tense these past few days, everything cool?"

Coach Phillip is a total hard ass, but he's always had a soft spot for me, though I don't know why.

"Yeah, everything's fine." I say, mustering up a smile. He nods his head, and moves straight on to yelling at someone. All of a sudden, I don't feel like being in the pool anymore.

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