Chapter 21: The Things You Miss

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These are the moments. The moments you never really care about until they are taken away from you.

I hate this movie. I liked it, up until we had to watch it over and over because it is Daxton's favorite. He was constantly begging to watch it, and I knew ever since we saw it, there was no going back. He talked about the movie for two straight hours. I couldn't understand how a six year old kid could focus on a subject for that long.

I hate crying. I hate doing it, but I especially hate seeing my family do it. It is such a ridiculous act. Water falling from your eyes, caused by so many emotions. I never understood how someone could shed a tear due to both happiness and sadness.

We watch Transformers for the full two hours, or however long it is. It usually feels like four. This time, I don't hate it, but I don't watch the movie. My family tries, but I catch them stealing glances at me, making sure I don't suddenly disappear.

Cora never stops crying. She is close to Stiles' age, and she is at the brink of puberty. Everything as a werewolf is heightened, especially for females, and that's not sexist, that's a fact.

Cora is always calm, until she can't control her emotions, due to all of her raging hormones. She would spill something and lash out, shifting. She would squish a bug and start crying. The worst one? I would sometimes drop her off at school and she could just look at a male body and be horny instantly. I knew it wasn't her fault, but it was disturbing for her brother to know and sense these things. Of course, I had been similar.

Cora is crying, still overwhelmed from tonight's events, but she is quiet and horny every time she looks at Megan Fox. . . hold on.

I hate how Laura never shuts the fuck up during movies. Constantly, she is asking questions none of us knew the answer to. We once were at a movie, and the couple making out behind us told us to be quiet, as we were ruining the 'experience' for them. This of course made Laura lash out, she was always hot tempered.

Even after she had seen this movie at least twenty times, she still found something to question.

I hate the way Alex gets distracted and plays on his phone. He always keeps it on silent, but we can still hear his thumbs patting on the screen, an extremely annoying sound.

He always seems to do it during periods you are supposed to be quiet.

We once were at a presentation for my dad's work, and surprise surprise, he got bored, and immediately went to playing Circle, his favorite game at the time.

I hate the way Peter just stares at the TV, eyes never seeming to move. He remains expressionless, but if there is a sex scene, he just sits there and grins. This might be normal behavior for a child, seeing things they didn't normally, but having a twenty-three year old do it? It's creepy.

It's worse when he makes commentary, like when I was watching a movie, and didn't notice when he came in the room. One of the main characters had her shirt off, and Peter murmured, "Has a nice rack doesn't she Derek?"

I hate how my mother is always eating something during movies. Even if it isn't popcorn, candy, or even dinner, it is gum. She has good manners, chewing with her mouth closed and all, but it is an annoying sound that my werewolf hearing seems to focus on all the time.

At the same presentation I was at with Alex, she was chewing gun, and I said, "Would you spit that crap out?" A little louder than I meant, making everyone turn towards us.

I hate the way my father always sleeps during movies. Always. Doesn't matter the time, doesn't matter the movie, doesn't matter how loud. He is always sleeping, and worse? He snores.

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