Chapter 10: The Game

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"Derek?" I hear Stiles ask. His voice, the voice I have craved to hear for days. Smooth as velvet, but still cracking under puberty.

I know I look terrible, and I feel terrible, but I want to see him. I have to.

I pull the door open further, and muster a smile. I can see Peter and my mother in my peripheral vision, but all I can truly see is him. He is devastatingly beautiful. If only everyone else could see what he truly was.

"Hey Stiles." I say, voice cracking. I sound like death.

Peter smirks. "You two have fun." He walks off, grabbing my mother by the arm. Before I can make eye contact with her, I look at my shoes.

I walk further in the room, Stiles following.

"Did you just wake up?" Stiles asks. I can't exactly tell him why I really look the way I do.

"Yeah. That's why I look like death." I smile.

"I think you look fine." Stiles says. Once he realizes what he just said, he blushes.

I realize how hard this will be when he leaves. His scent will be intermingled with my own.

He walks around my room, studying the posters and pictures on my wall. He comes to the bookshelf, and runs his fingertips over the spines of the books.

"You have a cool room." Stiles says.


I need a distraction, something to give me time to figure out a game plan.

"I'm going to go clean up a little. I'll be back in a few."

"Okay." Stiles says, taking a seat on my bed. I almost groan. His scent in my sheets. . . It's going to be a long night.

I practically run to the bathroom, and take a deep breath once the door closes. I look in the mirror, and see I look worse than I thought. My hair is disheveled and messy, sticking up in wild places. I have purple bags underneath my eyes, and I look pale.

I know I don't have time for a shower, so I stick with washing my face, and quickly running my hands through my hair, trying to tame it. It doesn't help much, by I look a little more alive.

"Hey bro. You good?"

I open up the door and see Alex.

"I'm fine." I say, sucking in a deep breath. And it's true, I am fine, just as long as Stiles is around.

Alex smiles. He has always been really easy to get along with. Mostly because he knows when to leave you alone, unlike Laura. She will keep pressing until she gets and answer.

"Mom made supper, John and Stiles are staying."

"Awesome, I'm starving." I say. It's true, as my stomach growls loudly.

We walk towards my room and I open the door to see Stiles no longer sitting on my bed, but up and standing by my desk, looking at the pictures.

"Ready to eat?" I say in a low voice, scaring the shit out of Stiles. He jumps and then glares at me.

"You scared me." He smiles. "Yeah I'm ready."

We run down the stairs like a stampede, and enter the kitchen. I can feel my family's stares.

I can see my mom has a ton of food on the table, enough to fill twenty people, but we're werewolves, and we have a big appetite.

We sit down and Peter reaches for a chicken wing, but mom slaps his hand away.

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