Chapter 4: Pack Meeting

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I feel like my whole life I have been running. I never stop. I run away from problems, but sometimes I feel like it's the best way to solve the problem. I think that I only make some people's lives worse.

I cause problems for my entire family. I drag them down. They could be perfectly happy. Every full moon you are supposed to run with your pack and be free. They run, while I stay locked up. And it hurts me, to know that they are out there, while I am all alone, going through something terrible, locked up in metal chains, that sometimes don't hold. But then, I also know it's best that I'm not with them. If I don't get locked up, I could kill someone, I already have. . . Paige. Though I didn't lose control, I still killed her. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Maybe I could have saved her, taken her to Deaton, maybe he could have done something. I rack my brain all the time, thinking of ways that I could have saved her, but in the end, I know in my heart that it was the right thing to do. I know this, because of my mother. I was distraught after Paige, I stayed in my room for a full week. But her words helped me. I love her so much, as well as the rest if my family, my pack, and that's why I'm leaving. Because I know that they are better off without me.

I have been running for around an hour now, or so I guess. My lungs and muscles ache, but I just keep running. I eventually stop when I hear something, a twig snap. I look around and don't see anything. I don't hear or smell anything after that. Maybe it was just an animal.

After running some more, I decide to sleep. My eyelids can barely stay open. I am right next to a creek, so I wash my face and tale a drink. I then strip off my sweaty shirt and use it as a pillow. I hardly ever am cold, but tonight I feel frozen. I quickly fall asleep from the exhaustion of the day.


Talia's Point Of View

We all come back inside, after we realize trying to chase after Derek will not work. I walk towards the basement, where we hold all of our meetings and other important werewolf things. We all make our way down stairs and circle around the big wood table.

"So what's the plan?" Alex asks.

I look up into my son's eyes, then everyone else's. They are all counting on me. They depend on me. I have them to think about, but I also have Derek, who is a completely different story. This would not be simple.

"Derek is distraught right now. Such a simple act from Peter caused a major problem."

"I'm right here you know." Peter speaks from his cage. After Derek had ran away, I sent Cameron and Charlie inside to lock him up in chains. I figured it would be the best way to keep him put, unfortunately though, the chains don't control his mouth.

"Yes I know, and you couldn't keep quiet could you? You know how Derek is, you can't try and push him around. He doesn't work that way." I snap.

"Well then maybe he needs a little. . ." He smirks and cocks his head. "Discipline."

Laura growls and I hold up my hand towards her to stop her from doing anything unnecessary.

"Forget Peter, we need to worry about Derek!" Alex shouts.

Daxton and Alex are really close, they care about each other a lot, and despite their age difference, they are each others best friends. Alex hardly ever raises his voice, he is always really calm, so when he does, Daxton starts to whimper. Alex looks over at Daxton and his face softens.

"I'm sorry sport, I didn't mean to yell."

"Talia, why don't I take Daxton and Kaylee upstairs for bed?" Charlie asks.

"That would be lovely, thank you Charlie." I respond.

She smiles and then grabs Kaylee's hand and extends her other towards Daxton. He looks at her hand, but then run to Alex and gives him a hug.

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