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Ahsoka sat upright in the dimly lit den she slept in when she was little.

The Togrutans slept in dens but each den had several deep carvings in the dirt walls for two Togrutas to sleep in, they slept in two to keep warm during the cold nights.

She looked over to her still sleeping twin. Her and Rex wanted to sleep in the same place but it would be far too obvious. Besides, Togrutan sibling bonds were usually stronger than the bonds they shared with their mates.

Cuyne'ioe stirred and rolled over when he felt the thick wool blankets shit with Ahsoka sitting up. She took a quick count of how many blankets lined the dirt carving. 6. There were 6 blankets for two people. Ahsoka laughed as she remembered how cold she was during her first few nights in the temple. Her first night without her brother. Her first night without a million blankets. Her first night in a real civilization. The tribes were primitive that sleeping inside was strange but civilized enough to elect leaders.

She stood up as much as she could in the shelf in the wall, and stepped out into the large den.

As softly as she could she walked out of the entrance and breathed in the quickly warming air as the Shili sun rose.

The air was extremely dry so the temperatures changed immensely from winter to summer, night to day.

She looked across the camp clearing and she saw a cream-colored moth. The childish impulse rose up in her to chase it and she didnt fight it. Ahsoka jumped up and reached for the flying creature.

Ahsoka stumbled over her own feet and fell down laughing like the small child she never got to be.

She turned her head so sharply it evoked a sharp pain when she heard chucking from the makeshift den the warriors built for the clones. She saw Fives with Jesse bursting out with laughter at the scary Jedi general who lost a fight to a moth.

"I guess you Togruta hunter instincts are lacking," Jesse said between his laughter

"You lost to a moth," Fives pointed out

Cuyne'ioe poked his head out of the den "Moth?" he rubbed at his tired eyes, "I wanted to catch it too!" he pouted

"I guess the Togrutas have a thing with moths!" Fives murmured to Jesse.

A/N-- This was really short sorry, but I wanted to wright a cutesy chapter, and in my opinion this is cute. Unrelated, but I finished watch Ouran Host Club recently and if you've never watched it, dew it. Right now. Get off Wattpad and get on Netflix.  Right now. Anyway I hope yall liked this chapter and see ya next time! After you watch Ouran Host Club. Do not come back until watch it mkay? 

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