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  "Ahsoka, meet me in the council room, they've got a mission for us" Anakin's voice rang over her commlink.

"Alright, I'm on my way" Ahsoka sighed, "So much for another day off" she muttered to herself as she clipped her twin lightsabers to the weapons belt she wore.

She glanced at herself in the small mirror she kept in her room. Ahsoka had never cared much about being pretty but she did like to look presentable. She slid her knife out of her glove that she had put there before the battle of Kashyyyk and she admired the blade before she slipped it back into the glove, out of sight except for the small clip that kept it in place. She stepped out of her room into the long hallway of the temple, those same hallways she used to get lost in as a youngling.

She approached the council chambers and she stepped in. Ahsoka stood in the center of the room next to her master and gave the council a polite bow.

"The two of you are going to the planet of Shili" Master Plo informed them, "The planet has once again fallen in the hands of the separatists"

"We have decided to send the two of you because young Tano has strong ties to the tribal people" Master Ti added, "I only have ever been apart of the people in the capital, which is far more, well for lack of better words, civilized"

While Ahsoka knew the capitol residents lived normal lives by Coruscant standards, they usually did stay out of the tribal people's affairs. They didn't really care, they lived far enough from each other that what one does didn't affect the others. But when the seppies attacked the capitol the tribes fell into the separatist hands. The fist time Ahoska did remember, Ahsoka would never admit it but she still had nightmares about the night her tribe was bombed. 

"Free the capitol, Master Plo will. The tribes, help will Skywalker and Tano." Master Yoda said in his backward language that sometimes took some thinking about to figure out.

The only thing Ahsoka could think about was her family. Not the one she fought with on the front lines, but her blood family. Ahsoka's parents were both dead, but she still had her sister and her brothers.  Then there was also Finne'ikeo, who was going to be her mentor, her teacher, her cabur.

"Are you alright little 'Soka?" Master Plo asked

"Oh, yes. Sorry." Ahsoka was slightly embarrassed she was obviously starting to let her mind wander.

"Then we will leave once we prepare the troops" Anakin asserted

The pair bowed and left the council chambers

As the door closed behind Ahsoka pulled the wooden pendant out of her pocket and smiled at it.

Anakin could feel the excitement radiating off her in waves of energy from the force. "Why so happy?" he inquired

"I'm from Shili," she said as if talking to herself

"Okay?" Anakin clearly didnt understand

"I get to see them again" Ahsoka absent mindly

"Wh- Ohhh" Anakin finally understood 

They walked to the Resolute and informed the 501st what their new mission was. The clones seemed to look forward to another planetary liberation and looked forward to helping their generals home planet.

Ahsoka stood on the bridge and stared at the black and blueish-white void that was space. "I'm coming home, Cuyne'ioe" she whispered to herself.  

A/N-- And look at that, I'm back! I was gone a little longer than expected but here we are. I think that was the longest writer's block I've ever had. I was going to start writing a few days ago but I went on vacation and the service there was beyond terrible so I had to wait a little longer. Oh, and all the Togruti (Language of the Togrutas) in this story is actually Twi'leki, Mando' a, and a mix of real languages (French, English, Icelandic) because I couldn't find any Togruti translations, so sorry to anyone who cares about language consistency.  Also, this is a shorter chapter so sorry again. Anyway as always I hope you enjoyed this chapter and see yall next time. 

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