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Rex woke up to the morning sun shining on his face. He looked to his left to find Ahsoka still softly sleeping beside him. He took a minute to appreciate her Togrutan beauty. He noticed the small scars that riddled her tan skin, one of many downsides to being thrown into a war when she was far too young. Rex wanted to ask what she thought of the war, he knew the Togrutan people fought a lot, it wasn't a war, even to say battles is an overstatement, more of a constant skirmish between the 5, formerly 6, clans.

Ahsoka flipped onto her back and delicately flicked her eyes open, "how long have you been watching me?"

"Long enough", Rex pulled her closer and was about to rest his hand on her montrals, but he stopped himself. He knew montrals were extremely sensitive and hurt when they were touched.

Ahsoka's commlink buzzed and flickered. "Ahsoka here," she said into it

"The council has asked us to go on a mission to Kashyyyk" He informed her

Rex held her closer to him and squeezed her hand.

"Alright, I'll meet you on the Resolute with the men" She sighed, "Let's go Rexie"

Rex just rolled his eyes at her usage of a nickname. 

Ahsoka clipped her lightsabers to her belt and looked around her small room, which was filling with sunlight, she thought if there was anything else she needed before she grabbed a small knife and slid into her glove on the underside of her wrist, where it was hidden from sight. "Alright, let's go!" she yelled over her shoulder already down the hall of the temple.

When she got to the Resolute Anakin was already there talking to Admiral Yularen about the plan.

"Right on time, snips" Anakin looked up from the holomap "The droids have launched an attack on the Wookies. You and some of the men will be stationed here" he pointed to a city on the map, "While I will take the trade route here" he pointed to another section on the map "And cut off the droids supply lines to the capital city" he paused to crack his knuckles "It'll be a hard fight but my plan leaves little room for things to go south. When you get to the city, Ahsoka, your goal is to destroy as many droids as fast as possible. Got it?" he asked

"Yes master" She crossed her arms and nodded, still studying the holomap until Anakin shut it off.

She stood on the bridge, staring aimlessly at the blue and black void that is space move past the ship as they moved through hyperspace. Her belly growled with her lack of breakfast. She turned and softly walked to the ship's mess hall, when she got there there were several troopers sitting with their ration trays. 

She picked up a stick of dried meat and shoved it into her mouth and ripped the end off with her sharp teeth. Anakin always said Togrutas ate like savages and that she was no exception. She wrestled with the tough meat and she could only imagine what she looked like while she did it. 

As Ahsoka sat on the edge of the table ripping the salty meat apart, Jesse who was among the men eating walked over to her.

"How the kriff do you eat that," He asked her, "I've tried but they're so tough"

Before she could respond, Kix leaned over "She's got those wicked Togrutan teeth!" he yelled through a mouth full

"Really?" he was surprised, "Can I see?"

Ahsoka curled her top lip up to reveal a row of white daggers lining her mouth.

"Huh. Sharp" Jesse nodded before he walked off.

Ahsoka smiled and shook her head. As she finished her meal she left the mess hall and headed to the hangar.

She ran her fingers over her gray and blue fighter and rubbed an oily spot with her thumb until it disappeared. 

"hey, snips" Anakin's voice rang out from behind her

"When are we going to get to Kashyyyk?" she turned around to face him

"'Bout an hour," he told her. He passed her and sat on the edge of the fighter, "You should change your oil soon" he tapped at a gauge on the inside of the fighter. "You might also want to clean the rear warning sensor"

"I can after the battle" she replied, "Unless I'll need it?"

"Nah, you won't. After the battle is fine"

"Would you stop tapping!" Ahsoka snapped

Anakin was surprised by her sudden harshness "Sorry?"

She curled her lip at him and turned to go back to her quarters.

She closed the door and sat down on her floor with her legs crossed. She picked up a small metal peg from the floor and fumbled around with it. She dropped it and let it roll back under the door and into the halls of the Resolute. 

She opened the door and sharply turned the corner and walked into a familiar face, Rex. He bent down and softly kissed her forehead, "Skywalker wants you on the bridge" he softly said to her.

"Alright," she groaned. 

She quickly walked to the bridge and met Anakin who was waiting for her. She watched the ship drop out of hyperspace and Ahsoka looked at the blue and green planet. She had never been to the Wookie-planet before, she hoped she would meet Chewbacca while she was there, they had met in the Trandoshan jungle when they were being hunted down for sport. Ahsoka would never admit it but she was half-afraid of Wookies. It might be the raw strength they had, or maybe it was that they ripped people's arms out if they got angry, but whatever it was she was looking forward to a good battle. 

A/N-- I hope you liked this chapter! it was really uninspired because writer's block, but I still think it turned alright. Not really a whole lot to say about this one. Have a nice day/night and thank you for reading!

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