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The past few days at the temple were painfully boring, but apparently, for Master Skywalker they were...well interesting. Fives has attempted to assassinate the chancellor and is now on the run. Ahsoka remembered when she was on the run not too long ago. She thought about the fear, the pain, the confusion. The young Jedi couldn't help but wonder if Fives share those feelings. Something was yelling at her that he was right, to believe him. Probably because she knows what it's like when no one believes you, but wasn't it the right thing to do? She was tired and sleep-deprived but she couldn't stop thinking about Fives. The last of the domino squad is on the run. She remembered how she and fives used to love pranking Rex. Ahsoka sighed. The whole 501st was off-world for another day still so one last night of no one to hang out with. She half wanted to train with Caleb Dume again but he could be a lot to deal with, and with Barriss having committed treason she wasn't an option on someone to talk to.

Ahsoka stood up and left her room. She started to walk around the temple, she wasn't going anywhere, just walking. She passed Master Fisto in the hallway so she politely nodded and smiled at him. She liked Master Fisto, he was always very kind to her. Her Montrals alerted her of someone walking down the next hall and when she turned the corner she saw it was Mace Windu, not someone she particularly liked. Maybe it was the traditional views he has that Ahsoka didn't agree with, It might be that he doesn't trust her master, possibly because he feared Anakin's power and how driven by an emotion he could be. Ahsoka yawned and decided to try and sleep. It was 0300 hours and she should have gone to sleep hours ago, but she didn't feel sleepy at all until now. She thought of that name Rex called her cyar'ika what does that mean she wondered. When she got back to her room she looked around at that same small empty room shared by every Jedi. She recited the Jedi code in her head,

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force

Sometimes Ahsoka wondered if she really believed it. She knew her master broke the code constantly, and she right beside him when he did it. She lay down on her bed and tried to get some rest.

As she drifted off into sleep, she had one last image in her head. 


A/N-- I know I said there would be one by Wednesday but here we are. After that not update I was in a writing mood so another short chapter. There will still be another, hopefully, longer one by Wednesday but at least this is something. And like I said I really do appreciate you guys reading these. See ya soon!

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