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As she woke to the early dawn light dancing around her room, she wondered about her thoughts last night. Why did the chancellor pop into her mind? 

Ahsoka remembered that Anakin and the 501st were back today.  She would talk to rex about what happened. She likes to talk to Rex, he was so kind and always listened to her worries, No matter how stupid and irrational they can be. she likes her Captain more than she should as a Jedi. she wasn't supposed to feel these things for anyone, and especially not a clone captain. Rex was always on the togrutas mind, what was the paintings on his helmet, his brown eyes, dirty blonde hair over his head just everything about him was perfect. when she got to the clone barracks she sighed, are best friends so no one wondered why they spend so much time together, but Ahsoka wanted more. she wanted to be lovers instead. she said the door open and saw that smiling face she loved

"General Tano! something I can do for you?" Rex inquired

"for the last time Rex, call me Ahsoka!" she didn't like being called General by Rex during quiet time.

"Sorry, habit "he apologized, his smile never dimming

"what's up with Fives? " Ahsoka asked about her friend

"uh.... not good " Rex admitted

"what do you mean?"

"Well you've heard he attempted to assassinate the chancellor "Rex started and Ahsoka hardened her gaze on him, " he removed his control inhibitor chip which is in all clones, the Kaminoans tell us they are to make us less aggressive than Jango Fett was, but in truth, we don't know what they are for." he looked around, "General Skywalker and I have been tasked with finding him", he told her

"Oh... that's a lot" was all she could get out. She decided not to tell him about what was on her mind and she would meditate on it later.

"I know cyar'ika" rex smiled reassuringly

"What does that mean? Harebrained?" Ahsoka joked


"Than what?"

"Its mando'a" Rex awkwardly continued.

"Figured. But what does it mean?" Ahsoka pressed on

"It means uh... close friend" he looked around and shited his weight

"You're not a very good liar"

Rex sighed. "It means... sweetheart or beloved" he flicked his eyes around nervous "I-I'm sorry that is wildly inappropriate and against the Jedi Code." he apologized "Oh, Rex" Ahsoka murmured "you should never apologize for your feelings. You're human too. And Rex I-I love you! More than a Jedi should!" Ahsoka blurted out half-embarrassed.

"Wait, you do?" Rex was shocked

"Would I lie to you?" Ahsoka sweetly smiled

"No" he smiled back "can I kiss you?"

Ahsoka smirked and pulled him closer to her and kissed him. It was soft and delicate yet passionate. It was unlike the kiss she had with lux. This one had feeling, had purpose. When they pulled apart they looked at each other unsure of what to do next. Rex took her hand and held it for a moment before he said "Can we do this? Be this?" Rex asked her

Ahsoka paused a minute to think. As a Jedi, she knew what the answer should be, but it didn't feel right. If Anakin can do it, so can I, she thought. "Yes"

They looked into each other's eyes neither wanting this moment to ever end. But it did. It had to.It ended with Kix walking into the barracks, "hello general" he politely greeted Ahsoka. "Fives asked me to send you and either one of the generals to these coordinates, " he said to Rex

"why would he send us there instead of just turning himself in? " Rex asked him

"I asked the same thing, he said he's being framed and that he's in danger " Kix explained

"where did he tell you this? " Ahsoka's voice rang up

"last night at 79's after we got back "

"Why didn't you tell us immediately? " Rex inquired

"I couldn't find you, captain. and I don't know where General Tano and General Skywalker's rooms are in the temple " Kix told them "so I thought I would come by this morning and hope you were here captain "

"I'll tell Anakin about it! "Ahsoka promised the soldiers

"you and Fives are friends. He might listen to you "Rex told Ahsoka. she shook her head "this is for Anakin to sort out. I wasn't at the Battle when Tup executed MasterTtiplar. I think he would have better luck than I would. and if fives only asked for one of us, we should only give him one "

"yes sir" Kix saluted them and left

"I should go tell Anakin " Ahsoka smiled at him and walked out of the barracks and turn the corner out of Rex's view. he was once again alone and without his cyar'ika beside him. but he was so happy he got such a beautiful strong girl like her to like him. Even though he had no idea how. 

A/N-- hey! I know I said it would be before Wednesday so here we are. this chapter is a bit longer than the others and it took a bit longer to write too. I'm going to try to get the next one out as soon as possible but I'm not exactly sure when. I'm going to try to get it out by Thursday but like I said I'm not very good with deadlines. I should probably add that none of the art used is my own, so all credit goes to the artists who have beautiful drawings. I hope you liked it and thank you for reading! bye!

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