Another 'not update' 13

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Well, sh!t. So, This story is at a weird place of lots of filler chapters, and not anything exciting, which really bothers me. I know exactly what I want to do later but not what I'm doing right now.  As always, ideas are welcome for short-term plot points. This story started off fairly inspired but right now it's losing its momentum. I know that this is by far not a popular story so it feels kind of strange explaining this but even if only one of you cares enough to read this that is amazing. So this story isn't going to have updates for a bit while I work on some other creative writing stuff. I might post those stories here at some point so if you want to read those, let me know. So I'm by no means abandoning this fanfic, I really enjoy writing it, but I need some time away from it so I can put more thought in and plan chapters better, because I doubt anyone enjoys reading all the filler stuff that's been being put into it. I also think its hard writing about characters that have already been created by someone else. They already have personality, like Ahsoka is snippy, Rex follows rules but will disobey orders if it comes down to it and Anakin is reckless and confident. I think that because these characters already are well known I try to think what they would do in the situations I put them in but the story doesn't really take off in the ways I hope because I'm trying to play 'god' if you will, but without controlling the characters. But who knows? I might be awake at like 2 am and get really inspired and just write. I have lots of ideas but I feel like its too soon to act on them. Unless yall just want me to cut the fluff and get to my bigger ideas, so if that would work for yall I can do that. 

Well as always thanks for reading and see ya when I see ya. (I will see ya soon I promise). just tell me if you want me to get my sh!t together and put my plans into motion. Thanks and goodbye for now!

Ahsoka staysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora