"You ready to go, Liv?" Elliot called to her from Noah's room, just having finished getting him a fresh diaper and zipping up his coat.

"Mama?" Noah said, patting his Dad's chest.

"Let's go find her," Elliot cooed, kissing Noah's cheek.

"Liv?" He called again, setting Noah down on their bed and looking around the room.

"In here," she said from the closet.

Pushing the door open, he found her standing there in her bra and panties, searching through her racks of clothes. While he didn't have much complaint for what she was wearing, they were coming close to being late and she wasn't usually one for spending hours finding what to wear.

"What's wrong?" Elliot asked, leaning against the doorway.

"Nothing...I just don't know what to wear," Olivia said with her hands on her hips, looking up and down her shelves. "Most stuff doesn't fit me anymore and I would like to look half way decent."

He came to stand behind her, resting his hands on her hips, "You look half way decent in sweat pants...just put on jeans and a sweater...black, I love you in black."

"Well it is supposed to be a slimming color," she quipped, pulling down one of her black maternity.

"That's not why I like it," he said seriously, kissing her temple. "It brings out your skin tone...you have beautiful olive skin."

"Thank you," she smiled, turning in his arms and kissing him softly. "Let me get ready and we can go."

"Okay," he kissed her forehead. "C'mon Noah," Elliot cooed, picking Noah up from the bed. "First rule of girls: They take a long time to get ready." He heard Olivia laugh as he left the room and went down stairs to wait for her.

"You haven't been here in a long time, little man," Olivia cooed to Noah, holding him on her hip as they made their way up the elevator in the 1-6.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened.

"Mama down," Noah said, pointing down at the ground. He was becoming quite the walker recently, always wanting to be walking instead of being held which was both good and bad to Olivia. He was growing and becoming his own person but that meant he didn't want to be as close to her all of the time and he was less dependent and cuddly. It was a good thing though because with all of the baby weight, holding him for long periods of time was becoming harder and with the new baby coming in the next couple of weeks, having a toddler who was more self sufficient would drastically help in caring for a newborn.

"Okay little man, there you go," she smiled, putting him down when they got off the elevator, holding one of his hands while Elliot took the other.

"He's gotten really good at walking the past couple weeks," Elliot chuckled as Noah tugged on their hands, trying to go faster.

Olivia smiled as they tried to keep up with their toddler, "He's going to be running soon enough and he's never going to slow down."

"You got that right," Elliot agreed. "It's a good thing though," he added, giving her a knowing look and a kiss on the forehead.

She gave him a small smile and nodded, "Let's go see if your Uncles are here little man."

Walking into the squad room, they were met with the hustle and bustle of the 1-6.

"Amanda," Olivia called to the blonde who picked up her head. "Where's Nick and Fin?"

"They went out on a call about half an hour ago," she replied. "Wow, he got so big... and darn cute too."

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