~*Tenth Chapter*~

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'At least that's one good thing that'll come out to this; hand holding,' he reasoned within his head, tilting his head to the side in thought as Katsuki and Izuku started to get into an argument.

"So what you're telling me is...the herd and the stuck up both fucking like me? Mm, I think I can get behind that," Katsuki cockily mused as he crossed his arms behind his head and reclined backwards a bit. Izuku rolled his eyes and placed his right hand in between his crossed legs before speaking up.

"They're little crushes, Kacchan, so don't growing a big head because lord knows it's as large as your waist," Izuku sarcastically commented, not thinking twice about what he said. Katsuki did a double take and slowly dragged his eyes from a random place he was looking to Izuku's face, and his right eye twitched.

"What the fuck did you just say?" he inquired softly, his face strangely calm and his voice as sharp as a knife.

"You want to hear it again? I said-"

"You called me fat!" Katsuki yelled, not caring about the amount of rage was clear in his body language and voice.

Izuku's mouth fell agape a bit as he shook his head, preparing to correct his ash blonde crush.

"N-no Kacchan, I wasn't calling you fat! I was ju saying that-"

"Saying what?!"

Izuku's eyes gained their own sharpness as he sported a hard glare and stared deeply into Katsuki's highly infuriated crimson orbs.

"If you had let me finish, Kacchan, you would've known that I was going to say that your waist, well all of your body, really, is partially big in com-"

"You are literally a stick Izuku Midoriya! Don't go calling me a giant, when I am clearly the normal one between the two of us!" Katsuki loudly retorted, scoffing and crossing his arms in a blind rage.

Izuku huffed at this and let go of Shoto's hand so he had more to work with once he'd start to explain, and that was when Todoroki took notice of the boys' rather aggressive conversation.

"I did not say you were fat, Kacchan! I was trying to say that you are a very big and scary teenager, and that you have an ego bigger than the size of fucking Russia!"

"Okay, okay, that's enough you two! This is supposed to be, like, a bonding moment, or something, for all of us, so can you tone it down a notch?" Shoto stopped them, raising his hands a little and silently asking for him and Izuku to hold hands again. Izuku, of course, didn't object, and grabbed onto his as he eyed his ash blonde partner, wondering how in the world he could come to like him romantically.

"Whatever, Sho," Katsuki commented, allowing himself to relax only a little. The three of them stayed in silence as they just sat in the middle of the roof, in a small circle, looking anywhere else but each other.

"So...um...why'd ya come up here, Kacchan?" Izuku asked, breaking their only slightly uncomfortable silence.

Katsuki's grumpy expression turned into one of surprise, thinking that they wouldn't ask about his coming up to the roof in the first place, but sighed as he knew he couldn't avoid the question.

"Well, I uh...couldn't sleep. Bad dream, and stuff," he answered, looking towards the roof door in shame.

Izuku suppressed the urge to laugh as he looked at his partner, shaking his head in exasperation.

"Come on, Kacchan, everyone gets nightmares. It's nothing to feel bad about," he says, his laughter fading away and instead being replaced with a soft smile and a knowing look.

"Take me for example, I'm one of the worst insomniacs to ever walk the Earth, and I'm very self-depreciating, but do you see me wallowing about my lack of sleep? Nope! You're cool in every aspect, Kacchan, so get over yourself and talk to us."

Izuku scooted closer to Katsuki and held out his hand that wasn't already occupied by Shoto, wanting him to take it. Katsuki looked away from the door and into Izuku's glittering emerald eyes, tempted by the fact that he could just clam up like he usually does and deny Izuku's hand.

But of course, he couldn't just listen to reason, now could he?

"Ugh, fucking nerd, fine! You really want to hear about my goddamn problems?!" he asked, making sure Izuku was sure.

Izuku nodded and said nothing, hiding the little happy scream that rose above his internal screaming when Katsuki roughly grabbed his hand.

"Well, my dad...sort of-"

"Izuku Midoriya? Are any of you Izuku Midoriya?" a strangers' voice spoke up, the three of them turning to see who had interrupted their out-of-the-blue tender moment. Katsuki was particularly mad about the delay of his slight opening up to his crushes.

"Who fuck is asking?" he truculently answered the woman's question with his own question. The maroon-haired woman turned to Katsuki and didn't even blink at his attitude, looking down at the clipboard in her hands and then looking back up at him.

"I assum you are Katsuki Bakugo, then? Do you know where-"

"I'm him. I'm Midoriya," Izuku spoke up, mouthing, "calm your tits," to both of his partners as he stood up and quickly made his way to the very professional looking woman. He waved at both boys as the woman nodded and motioned towards herself; her walking down the winding staircase, and him trying to reassure Shoto and Katsuki that he'd be fine silently as he followed closely behind.

Shoto and Katsuki stayed completely still, not daring to move even an inch as a few minutes went by since Izuku left, Shoto then deciding to break the thin ice they were both on.

"That went well, didn't it?"


"You want me to what, exactly?" Izuku exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air while he stared into the receptionist lady's eyes with a cold glare. The woman took her maroon hair out of its bun, and shook her head a bit, sitting down nice and neatly into her cushony chair behind the reception desk.

She set her clipboard down and immediately went clicking away at her computer, tapping things with her mouse and flicking her eyes back and forth across the screen. She soon pushed away from her desk once again as she made her to the printer and waited for something to come out. She held her hand above the mouth of the printer and set her other hand on her hip, tapping her foot lightly as the printer whirred to life and made very loud and interesting sounds.

One sheet of paper slowly stuck out of the mouth and awaited for her to snatch up, of which she did. Once she had, she walked over to izuku and left only a couple feet inbetween the two of them, handing the paper over as she looked him up and down.

"I said, you are to kill him by the end of the week since it's an easy one-man job, am I correct? If you really have a problem with it, I can send you to the company that handles assassinations for the school, and you can see for yourself how serious this all is," she repeated and informed, slamming her palm into the middle of his chest and returning an intense gaze of her own.

"Kids these days," she mumbled under breath, sighing and returning to her spot behind the desk.

Izuku's brain was completely blown by how the woman was acting. Like, seriously, how could she expect him to kill a fellow student?

His best friend at that?

He left the office and leisurely made his way to company office the woman had been talking about, constantly looking at the signs in the hallway and looking back down at the paper in his hands.

'Don't worry, Iida, I'll do everything in my power to make sure that you get to live another week.'

The babies, guys, the babies! They're evolving, like a charmander and shii. Just as a little heads up tho, y'all, they won't get together in a three way relationship for a hot second, so yee. Oh, and Iida. Yeah, the struggle is real in that respect.

Anyways, that's all for now, and,
To have a good day you shall! 🤍❤️🧡💚

2030 words

Purple Midnight (TodoBakuDeku AU) ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ