Chapter 4

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As per Patrick's instruction I went to the room at the end of the corridor and knocked. I heard a voice saying come in and I went inside. The room was as same as the size of Patrick's but the color scheme and the sunlight pouring in from the window made it so welcoming.

"Hello Lyra looks like you are familiarized with everything. Be at the designated place tomorrow. Most importantly be punctual" he said smiling. Designated place, tomorrow what is he speaking about.

"What is happening tomorrow? What place?" I asked baffled.

"Really, he didn't tell you anything did he?" he asked irritated.

"Nothing of this sort" I replied kind of curious to what he is going to say.

"I shouldn't have trusted him with the explaining" he muttered. "Lyra I am going to explain everything related to what you should do. Please follow through, if you find any difficulties be sure to stop me and ask" he said. Atleast he is a bit generous and not like someone else.

"Ok" I said and he took it as a signal to start.

"You will receive a two month basic training. After successful completion you will be enrolled in Takshashila University. You will find information about the friends of the girl who was kidnapped. This is what I should tell you officially. Any doubts?" he finished. I have a lot of question and I just don't know where to start them. I failed to notice he was looking at me while I was thinking. He looked at me and started again.

"Now let's get down to the unofficial part. I know you have a lot of questions, but know that not all questions are meant to be answered. Remember you accused us being not serious enough. We are not exactly dealing with the case and neither are you. What we are doing is gathering basic authentic information which cannot be found in records. That's all. We are assisting just the case, at least for now" he muttered the last part slowly. He continued "And for the case details, it will be given to you after the training. That's all I could tell you Lyra" he finished. And here I said he is generous.

"What do you mean by training? Where?" finally I get to ask the question I had been eager to ask and a question I will get definite answers for. By the way what did he mean by 'we'?

"You will have a basic training on physical, mental and other aspects for two months. You will be staying at the designated place and you will get occasional leaves too" he said.

"Two months. What will I tell my family?" My pulse rate is increasing as time passes.

"Don't worry dear it is all taken care of. You will find out when you reach home" he said proudly. What's wrong with these people? They answer a question with another question. Now I want to kill someone.

"What about the place?" I asked frustrated of everything.

"It's in this" he smiled while handing me an envelope. What? Whatever, I have to leave this place before I become a lunatic.

"Ok. See you. Bye" I stood up to leave.

"Do remember that little things matter the most" he said suddenly. I was confused but I didn't show anything. He stood abruptly and said "Welcome to NIA Lyra".

"Ok, Thank you" I said. I really hoped I could say otherwise. With that I left.

I reached home and immediately I found what he meant. "Lyra, Lyra you got selected for a special NCC camp" said my mother enthusiastically. Really is that the only excuse they have got.

"Really Amma. I am so happy" I went along with her, can't tell her the truth anyway. "Where is Appa?" I asked.

"He is sleeping" she said. He should be really tired after all. I went to my room and opened the envelope. Everything should be a prank. There was a map which guided to a forest area. I heard of Witch craft and sacrifices made by tribes there. You can't even travel to that area after day light. I never knew there was an entrance to that place. Even Google map had no routes. I ended up thinking about that place till mom called me for dinner. We had dinner together. To go with the flow I told my parents about my plan to join Thakshashila University. They were happy about my choice. Of course it is a good university. It's nearly 31kms from West Bandra to Seawoods, but the travel can take upto hours giving the modes of travel. So I will have to stay in the college dorm.

"Did you pack Lyra" my mother asked waking me from my trance. That's a nice question, I totally forgot about that. I ran to my room and started packing. It only took me an hour since I had the habit of ironing my dresses after wash. So now I just had to place them inside a bag. After packing all the essentials,I decided to sleep instead of thinking of that creepy forest.

I woke up in the morning feeling sad. But not what you think, I am not sad about leaving my parents. I am sad that I am going to the most haunted place I have ever heard of. The only good thing is the reporting time is 10 in the morning. The travel itself is about 25kms. My father said he will drop me off. I usually would reject, but my scared mind said otherwise. After having breakfast, we started by 8:30 am after saying bye to mom. I already informed my friends and they were happy for me. Only if they know my real situation. I listened to positive songs on the way. Half way of journey was normal. But as soon as we entered the forest nervousness started kicking in. I looked at my father but he was not even a least bit concerned at all. There are no buildings, no humans, no nothing. That is when I started seeing buildings. You couldn't see them until you were near enough. Finally we reached the place and there was a police check post inside the forest area. I showed the letter to a guy wearing a forester outfit. I could make out lot of people going inside a building at a distance. I looked at my watch and it was 9:30 am.

"Hello, I am the guard here. I am afraid you can't go any further sir" he said to my father. My father wished me good luck and left.

"Miss Lyra you can leave your luggage in this room. You can take it later after your room is allotted" he said. The room was huge and there were already many luggages. Looks like there are many people here.

"Follow me Miss" he said walking away. I followed him. He went near a tall building and asked me to go inside. There was a big sign saying 'Welcome New Agent Trainees'. Agent trainees ....maybe it's an old one. He left asking me to go inside.

I went inside and found a reception. That's when shock overtook me. There was a receptionist writing something. No, not her. The thing which was written in golden letters behind her was the one that made me shocked. That's the moment when I understood what Patrick said.

NIA means *NATIONAL INVESTIGATION AGENCY*. It was written in big golden letters with the NIA symbol in the center. I didn't really expect that. Ok, maybe I am short sighted.

                                                      ----Finally the Revelation-----


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