Party Down South

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A/N: AU where both Sam and Gabe liked each other in high school, but never got together, until a party.... That photo is to all my readers!!

Saying Samuel Winchester was beyond bored was an under statement. He was laying on his Arrow sheets, it was a good show, don't judge, staring at the ceiling fan go round and round. The youngest Winchester was an officer down at the police station and today was his first day off in weeks. He simply didn't know what to do. He didn't want to be off, but apparently, breaking your arm means no work. Stupid rules.

He tried studying his room, analyzing it again, but it simply bored him. The dresser was across from his bed resting on the wall. The door was to the right of the dresser and a window was on the left wall. Two windows were on the left wall actually, both with boring brown curtains. The wall was a beige color and since this was an apartment, he couldn't change the color. The wall behind his bed had a picture collage his older brother made him for his 26th birthday.

The pictures gave him comfort after a long day of dealing with murders and criminals. Some were of their various trips around the nation as kids, and others were of them joking with friends. There was one that made Sam smile every time. It was Dean's graduation photo. Dean stood in his cap and gown next to Castiel Novak, who was a junior at the time, his older brother's high school sweetheart. They finally got together after Cas graduated college. Next to this photo was a picture of Castiel Novak's older brother and Dean's old high school buddy, the famous trickster, Gabriel Novak dressed in a cap and gown too. He was shorter than the both of them but he was standing on a chair with his arms wrapped around them with a goofy smirk on his face. In another picture Dean had his arm around a blushing Castiel, and Sam stood next to them with his face pulled into a kiss by the Trickster. This wasn't just some kiss on the check, this was lip on lips. Sam was blushing madly, and you could see a slight smirk on the graduate's face.

Sam remembered when Gabe kissed him again at a party. It was a goodbye kiss, because Gabe was going off to college. They weren't necessarily dating, but they had strong feelings for each other that neither one wanted to admit. So Dean had taken a photo to capture the kiss to make fun of how "in love" they were. Gabriel had his arms wrapped around his waist, head leaning down to meet Sam, as he leaned up his head. Sam had one hand caressing his cheek, and the other was on his neck. Both their eyes were closed and it took Sam back to that party.

"Hey I'm going outside! Need some air!" Sam heard Gabriel shout as he walked outside. Sam was staring at the night sky, laying in the grass in the Novak's huge backyard. They lived on a farm area, but their house still looked like a mansion to 15 year old Samuel Winchester. He heard the trickster chuckle behind him. "You're one odd kid, you know that Samwich?" Gabriel said as he laid down beside him. "You know there's a party full of hotties out there and you're out here stargazing," Gabriel joked as he looked at his best friend's little brother. "Yeah, but people, Ew. I much rather look at the stars," Sam retorted with a slight frown on his face. "Was someone in there making fun of you? Because I have to tell them to back off. That's my job," His crush teased smirking at the youngest Winchester. "Shut up, you little shit," Sam pushed his shoulder and sat up. "First of all, language!" Gabriel shouted in a high pitched girly voice making Sam laugh. "Second of all, there is a party full of hot girls just waiting for an attractive messy haired brunette, with beautiful hazel eyes, to pounce on," Gabriel said as he stood up and tried to pull Sammy up.

Sam just crossed his arms and stayed put. "I don't want some annoying dumb blonde bugging me all night," Sam snapped, and accidentally whispered his next thought out loud, "I want you to bug me all night." Gabriel smirked. Oh shit he heard that. He wasn't supposed to hear that!! "Wow Sammy I never knew you had a crush on me," Gabriel teased as he got closer to Sam. The fifteen year old quickly got up, and started, well tried, to walk away but Gabriel grabbed his arm and tugged him closer. "Gabe if you're just going to make fun of me I suggest you-" Gabriel cut him off by grabbing his face and pulling him so close he was barely touching his lips. Sam stood there in shock with his cheeks bright red and eyes wide open. "Sammy I would like to do a lot of things, a lot of bad things, naughty unspeakable things to you. Making fun of you is not on that list," His honey colored eyes looked lazily and flirty at Sam's hazel ones. The 18 year old's voice came off husky, making Sam forget how to breath. "What- uh- what's on this-this list?" Sam's stuttered not being able to think straight with Gabriel's body coming closer and closer to his. The trickster grabbed his hips pulling him so close his hips touched the flirty males. Sam gasped fighting the dirty thoughts in his mind. "Oh Sam, if you knew, you'd get a boner lasting months," Gabriel put the most emphasis on months, breathing on Sam's lips, making him shiver with pleasure. Sam opened his mouth then closed it. "I- uh- AGH! You're hands sure do- ah- travel," Gabriel's hands had traveled into his pants, exploring the front and the back. "You think my hands are skilled? Just wait till you see what my lips can do," Gabriel said as he pulled his hands out of his pants and grabbed his waist and pulled him into a kiss. This is it! This is what Sam had wanted for so long. He caressed the older teen's face and grabbed his neck. Best. Party. Ever.

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