Angle Eyes

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A/N: Enjoy this fluffy chapter guys

Many always wondered what hot athlete Sam Winchester found in the school prankster Gabriel Novak. To most he was an annoying little prick. Some thought maybe he dated him because the small trickster was loaded with cash, others thought it was because of, uh, bigger reasons. They were all wrong.

There wasn't a specific thing Sam loved about Gabriel. He simply loved everything about that man. From the way he walks, perky and confident, not to mention the hot swaying of his hips. To the way he smirks and gets this mischievous look in his eyes whenever he comes up with a prank. Maybe it was the way he winks at Sam in the hallways whenever he sees him in his baseball uniform. Or maybe it was the way he smiles sweetly at Sam while he grabs his hand and kisses it while he's driving him to only God knows where.

Gabriel, being the one who was more straight forward with his feelings, knew exactly why he loved Sam Winchester. He loved the sophomore's dorky walk as he sometimes stumbled because his feet were so big. Gabriel didn't mind big feet, because you know what they say about big feet.

The way he gets angry whenever Gabriel played pranks on him, and whenever Sam was angry, it's totally hot. The angry sex that follows Sam's angry sexiness.

The way Sam laughs with his whole body whenever he tells him a dumb joke. How Sam thinks he is the funniest person in the world, and how much Sam always tells him he loves his "angel eyes" which in turn makes Gabriel blush, a rare reaction to most.

Gabriel loved so much about him, and he knew Sammy loved him. He'll never forget their one year anniversary when Gabriel had finally got a mucho Winchester to admit he loves him.

The night wind bit at Gabriel's skin underneath his thin long sleeved shirt as he walked to his boyfriend's house. He was having a terrible day. People's teasing was torture today, and Sam forgot his anniversary. Everyone in his class mocked him for their relationship, and so many told him that Sam was too good for him. Most told him that Sam only went out with him because he pitied him. Some even called him weird because he was a senior dating a sophomore.

Gabriel fought back the sobs that tried to escape his throat. He tried to stay strong, and he tried not to cry, he really did. Then a hot tear fell down his face. And he lost it. His body was wrecked with sobs as he walked. His black jean covered legs buckled as he walked. Tripping over his shoes as he walked, he wiped his nose.

Suddenly anger over took him as he ran to his stupid boyfriend's house, wanting this pain to go away. His red converse smacked the ground as he ran spotting the house he dreaded approaching. Running up to the door, he banged on the door. As it opened, Gabriel wiped his cheeks bitterly. "Gabe! Boy do I have a surprise for......." The tall moose trailed off seeing Gabriel's face.

Wordlessly, he pulled his smaller, yet older, boyfriend to his chest. Gabriel weakly punched his chests, sobs making his body visibly shake.

"You forgot. I can't believe you forgot! I knew you didn't love me! It's what everyone says anyone. God I hate you right now! Everyone keeps telling me you're too good for me. You know what I'm too good for you! I don't need this! I don't need you! They're wrong Sammy! They're all wrong! You need me! YOU FUCKING NEED ME! IM NOT THE SAD DESPERATE ONE HERE! YOU NEED ME!" He screamed into his chest letting out his anger out.

Sam stood silent and listened to his ranting. When Gabriel finally stopped yelling, Sam wrapped his arms around him and nuzzled his head into his neck. "You're right Gabriel," He whispered, and rubbed his back soothingly without another word. The older teenager finally calmed down, and separated from his boyfriend.

Sam smiled sadly at him, and wiped his tears from his face. Gabriel realized he was wearing a nice dress shirt. Wait what?

Gently grabbing his hand, the 16 year old pulled him into the house and into the kitchen. His large hands wrapped around his waist as he placed him on the counter. The 17 year old looked at his fingers in shame of the fit he threw, in front of his boyfriend no less. Using a wet paper towel, he gently wiped his boyfriend face, seeming to erase the pain from his face. He dried the older teen's face with a dry cloth, and smiled at him. "You look so beautiful when you're not frowning," Sam whispered in his ear making Gabriel blush and smile shyly. He picked him up bridal style from the counter and carried him to the dining room.

The dark wood table was set with a lovely white cloth, and had a lot lavender candle in the middle. On two set plates, laid pizza and in the fancy glass was coke, which made Gabriel laugh. "So you didn't forget?" Gabriel asked embarrassed, looking up at Sam through his lashes.

"How could I ever forget the first day we met?" Sam spoke sweetly setting him down in the chair and pushing it in. Gabriel blushed and looked down at his plate shyly as Sam made his way over to his own plate.

"I'm sorry," The golden haired teen whispered in shame, but it made Sam chuckle. "Don't be. I deserved that. I actually wanted to surprise you by pretending to forget, but I forgot how sensitive and needy you are," Sam joked smiling at his boyfriend lovingly. "Shut up." Gabriel grumbled pretending to be annoyed but he never could be annoyed by his Sammy.

They ate silently. As Gabriel sipped his drink, he finally spoke. "Can you describe when we first met? Since you remember it so well..." He ran a hand through his long moose mane, and chuckled at the memory. He wiped his hands on a napkin having finished his pizza. Taking a sip of his drink, he held up his hand. Then he cleared his throat and gave him a nervous smile.

"Well I remember running into you after school. I was feeling alone since my friend Charlie was at track and you came over, and sat by me. I said hello, who are you? And you told me the dorkiest thing I've ever heard. 'The name's Gabe. Well actually Gabe stands for Gabriel the angel who told Mary she was preggers with a baby. It's just Gabe like some other weirdos.' God I thought you were hilarious. That night you ordered pizza for us, and coke before taking me home to my worried brother." Gabriel hid his blushing face.

Sam walked around the table and knelt by his boyfriend. "I also remember our first kiss," he whispered in his ear, kissing below his ear lob. "You dragged me to a private place in school. You pushed on the couch but fell on top of me. In close proximity I started panicking. You hushed me saying 'it's okay.' I remember whispering 'don't hurt me' as we leaned in. I still remember the word that convinced me to close the gap. 'Never.'" Sam kissed softly down Gabe's neck making the shorter man's breath hitch.

"I remember our first time. The way we moved together. How your nails dug into my back. How you left marks all over my body. I remember trying to hide these little marks from my brother so he wouldn't kill you. You want to know the thing I'll always remember," Sam mumbled into the older Novak's neck. "What's that?" He dared to whisper. "This moment right here. Where I show you how much I love you..." Sam trailed off.

Pushing the teen away, Gabriel looked into his eyes and spoke shocked, "You love me?" "How would you say this..... Hells yeah!" Sam chuckled as Gabriel smile grew wide on his face. Gabriel tackled him and peppered kisses all over his face.

"I love you, too," he said breathlessly, and Sam kissed him passionately. It lead to a night of I love you sex and it was amazing.

A/N: okay I know that was a sucky ending but I realized how kinky I was when writing the smut, and I was like, this is going to scare everyone man. So I ended it there. Sorry. Unless you guys want me to write them having super kinky sex. Like I'm talking toys and handcuffs, the whole Shabang. If you guys really want to see how dirty I can get comment for it. I don't want to scare the innocent viewers away. I apologize, but I won't just randomly put in kinky shit if no one really wants it there. I'm here to please you. Whatever you want I'll write. Feel free to give me prompts.
Love you moosen
- Kay Trickster

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