Popsicles and Really Good Dates *LATE WARNING SMUTTT*

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A/N: SHITTTT! I POSTED THAT STORY FIVE DAYS AGO AND IT HAS 120 VIEWS!!! OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AND VOTING! Oh and feel free to comment whenever or wherever you want. I enjoy you're little comments.

Gabriel Novak always loved to mess with Sam Winchester. When they started going out, the annoying little trickster got better. Then they had sex. After that, Gabriel liked to make it a game, as he told Sam. He loved to push that Moose's buttons. Leave him begging for more. One date Sam will always remember. The day Gabriel accidentally told Sam he loved him for the first time.

It all started on another one of their random dates. Gabriel had rang the doorbell at his boyfriend's place, at 9:00 in the morning. On a freaking Saturday. Sam was ready to kill him, and was really starting to regret giving him that key, considering the fact he never freaking used it.

"Heyyyy, moose, don't make me use the key," Gabriel teased through the door. "Use it for once, then I don't have to get up," Sam muttered into his pillow slowly falling back to sleep.

All of sudden, Sam felt a splash of cold water. "AGHHHHH!" Sam screamed jolting awake to see a smirking Gabriel. Sam shivered as he looked at himself. He was soaked head to toe in cold water. "GABRIEL! WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!" Sam yelling at Gabriel shaking with anger. "I tried shaking you awake. It didn't work. This seemed like the solution. You know you moosen are heavy sleepers," Gabe smirked as he walked away. "I'm going to kill you! And how many times do I have to tell people that the plural form of moose is moose?!" The 22 year old yelled as he got out of bed slowly. Gabe came back and dropped the towel he was holding. "Damn Samantha, you look good wet," The shorter man teased as he checked out his boyfriend. Sam looked down and remembered he went to bed in boxers and a t-shirt. The white shirt was sticking to his chest and was practically see through. Let's just say it was kind of pointless for Sam to wear clothes. Gabe's eyes just kept trailing lower and lower down his body. Sam cleared his throat. "Hey babe, my eyes are up here," he joked gently grabbing his lover's chin and guiding him to his eyes.

Sam slowly leaned into him, and surprised him with a tight bear hug. He let go of his boyfriend to find him wet too. He laughed loudly. "I got you wet! I got you wet! Ha ha ha ha ha!" Sam sang while laughing as he grabbed some clothes from his closet and dresser. Sam turned around and his boyfriend was no where to be seen. "Gabe?" Sam asked in a quiet voice.

His boyfriend jumped on his back unexpectedly, making Sam laugh. He dropped the clothes and grabbed Gabe's legs. They ran around the apartment like idiots. Sam finally dropped his boyfriend on the couch. "Okay, what do you have planned for today?" Sam asked a bit curious about today's "surprise date". He hopped into his the shorter man's lap and nuzzled his moose head into the trickster's neck. "We are going to breakfast so you better change! And after that we are walking around the mall. Not very eventful, but I couldn't find-" Sam cut Gabriel off with a kiss. "It sounds wonderful. I love it," Sam saying this made Gabriel smile a cute sheepish smile. What Sam really wanted to say was the big four letter word, but he couldn't. He knew Gabriel had major commitment issues. He didn't mind taking it slow. They met his parents which was quite amusing since they were the complete opposite of Gabriel.

Sam gave his boyfriend one last heated kiss before walking in his room to change. He just the usual moose attire, green and purple plaid shirt with nothing underneath, since the since was a button up. He also wore light blue jeans with light brown hunting boots to match. He opened the door to see his boyfriend on his hands and knees searching for the remote. Gabriel was wearing a navy blue shirt that said "cereal killer" on it with a cartoon of a masked man poring Cheerios under the words. He was wearing black converse with rainbow laces. The thing that caught Sam's eye was the red lacy underwear peeking out of the his black skinny jeans. Sam couldn't take his eyes off it. Gabe turned around having given up to see Sam so obviously looking away. Gabe smirked and shook his head. He'd tease him about it later.

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