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Female Sam's POV:

     Everyday. Every god damn day, she walked past me. Looking amazing in her new outfit that made me want to pray for the lords forgiveness of the thoughts I had. The worst was when she bent over right in front of me when she dropped a book right there in the middle of the book aisle, in her skinny tight, everything's that's right in the world, jeans to pick up her books, and her jeans slipped to show the tong she was wearing.

I swear, Gabriella Novak is going to be the reason I die. On my gravestone it will read "here lies Samatha Winchester. A lovely friend, who died from too much damn sexual tension."

What sucked the most is that I didn't go to the same school as her. I just see her in the library in some tight or short outfits. This one day, I was innocently working on my AP Chemistry homework, and figuring out the how to bond two elements for the experiment that would be the next day. Then little miss hot mess over there walks over and sits at a table across from me. Breathing became difficult because she was wearing a short black miniskirt, and a purple crop top that nicely showed off her belly ring. The purple crop top was loose and hipster style which made her look beautiful. Her short golden brown locks fell easily around her face and her pale eyeshadow showed off her golden eyes quite beautifully. The thing that killed me is when she sat down, she didn't cross her legs. She sat open legged, with no chair blocking the view and my throat was so dry. Needless to say, the next day in lab, I had no idea what I was doing.

Every night I came home, but I refused to touch myself over her, because it just felt wrong. I don't even know what's wrong with me. I've never had an attraction to girls before. It's always been boys. Like that guy Rudy (see what i did there? Gender bending is fun) who I had a huge crush on in middle school. None of this made sense. I was a good kid, and totally not gay. Maybe I do look at girls' asses to compare every once in a while, but who doesn't. And maybe when girls stretch next to me in their white school uniform shirts, I stare longer than I should.

But I am absolutely, and completely heterosexual. Not stupid girl who dresses in erotic clothes will change that.

Yet somehow I couldn't help but feel this girl was doing this on purpose. Sometimes she'll walk behind me, and reach for a book above my head and press up against me. My heart races and my hands shake and tightly clench into fists. I come home to discover that I need to really clean my underwear...

One night, I just couldn't resist. The temptation I have felt for too long. Too damn long. I needed to be touched. I needed that satisfaction of getting off to a fantasy. As I laid in bed, I wasn't sure where to start. I looked up lesbian porn but was afraid and curious. I found a video of this girl masturbating, and it drove me wild. I let my hand travel down and under my panties. I mimicked her actions. Pleasure was filling my body as I started to close my eyes from the sensation. I started to imagine it as Gabriellas hand there and my breathing became shorter. I let out a moan and came all over my hand.  Instant guilt filled my body, but incredible relief was there too.

I had come to the shocking realization, that I'm gay. I like tits and women and vaginas and fuck man. I just got off to tits. Internally screaming, I laid down and tried to forget about her.

To be continued

Hey guys. Idk if you have been wondering where I've been but I'll tell you anyways. A lot has happened over this past year. I discovered I was a full blown lesbian, don't worry I still intend on writing gay smut if it's what the people want, it amuses me. I broke up with my girlfriend three months ago due to communication issues, got rejected by a senior, and my best friend is currently off in a facility for her mental illness. My life isn't ideal right now to say the least. I also have a job and it's hard af bc I keep fucking up. So there's that. And finals are coming up, so naturally I wanna jump off a bridge. Oh and in the beginning of the school year, a kid died from suicide. Oh and i may not be a lesbian. I don't even know. Everything is confusing.

And all people are writing in my yearbook is about how gay I am even though there's more to me than my sexuality but it's what ever.

It's been a rocky year to say the least. But I really miss writing, especially these fanfics. They were my escape, even if they were terrible and rushed lol. So this fic will be a two parter. But I just wanted to finish this and put it out there so it's not in my drafts anymore.

Good luck on finals, and just stay alive for me okay? Cause you'd be surprised about how much a random classmate will miss you. I love you guys. Always keep fighting <3

Love Kay trickster

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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