A Really Really Good Wednesday

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Sam's POV:
    In school, Samuel Winchester was outed as the nerdy freak. It didn't help that he was attracted to the same gender too. When he got to college he was greatly relieved. College life was easy, except for the fact that his brother wasn't talking to him. Apparently he is too busy being a mechanic to deal with him. Sam understand the distance Dean put between them. It was just a Dean thing to do. Sam wasn't lonely though. He had his best friend Jess, who was also his roommate. Some questioned their living together, but Sam didn't mind. It's not like he was attracted to her. She was strictly a friend, like a sister. Lately though she's been bugging him to go out. At least to a store or something. One day he finally gave in. It happened to be the best day ever. It started a little like this...
    "Sam we need food. Like we literally have nothing in the pantry," Jess whined as fell on her back on Sam's brown quilt. The bed was a wooden frame that his older brother made himself. You could tell by the monster bonding symbols on the top of each bed post. Sam sat up in his bed leaning against the dark redwood frame, with books, papers, and pencils scattered around him. His laptop rest in his lap as he typed some more notes into it. "Not true, with have crackers and ketchup in there," Sam retorted, with a lazy smirk on his face. Jess gave him a look. "What? Jess, no. I'm not going out. I have a lot of work to do. I have ten page paper due next week!" Sam lamely made up an excuse. Truth be told, he didn't mind people. He just didn't want to be judged. "Sammy please? Just go get some groceries. That's it. Pleeeeeassseeeee?" The blonde asked pulling out her famous puppy eyes. Dang it. He could never resist those evil things. He sighs heavily. "Fine, I'll go. But if you try to clean up my room again, I am not afraid to hide all your precious wine," Sam said, rolling his eyes. "You wouldn't." "Try me." "Fine but don't blame me when you invite a guy over and he thinks your a mess," Jess puts her hands up in defense and sighs in defeat. "This is going to be the worst trip ever." Boy was Sammy wrong.


    Sam put all his groceries into his car, it was a cool day so he didn't have to worry about the ice cream melting. He looked around the shopping center. A store in a corner between Subway and the dollar store caught his eye. The neon pink, green, and blue sign blinking since it was late afternoon so the sun was starting to set. He walked over to it. The sign read, The Trickster's Sweet Shop. The 6'4 man walked through the clear shop door. The store looked crazy. All the shelves were lined with a different color of the rainbow fluff. Prank tools were on the left on the store, and candy was on the right. In the middle stood a big desk, with shelves of candy surrounding it like a half-circle. "Hey Aflie, did you remember to restock the shelves," a man with golden brown hair said, his voice having a slight southern drawl. The short man was walking from behind the circle with big jar of jelly beans. He looked up, and Sam saw the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen. There were this honey colored eyes that were filled with happiness and joy. 

    "Well hi there! Can I help you with something sir?" The short man asked. He was wearing brown khakis with a rainbow tie-dyed shirt, that had the stores logo on the front, and he wore Nike shoes with Mario on the sides. "Uh, hello, mister gigantor?" the employee asked, "You okay there?" Winchester shook his head slightly and said, "What? Oh yeah, sorry. I'm just, er, browsing." "Okay, then," the attractive young man muttered under his breathe. Quick try to look normal. Don't be creepy, don't be creepy, don't be creepy, his mind chanted as he pretended to look at the pink prank aisle.  He sneaked glances at the man, noticing how tight his t-shirt was, outlining his light muscle, and if he looked close enough he could see his slight muscular arms. Agh! Stop! Sam thought tearing his wondering eyes. Then he heard annoyed grunting. He looked back up to see a man jumping trying to reach a shelf he was obviously too short for. 

    Before he could think he walked behind the counter, and gently grabbed the jar from his soft hands. The man jumped and looked up at him. "Here. Let me help you," Sam whispered, them being so close he towered over the little guy. "It goes on the top shelf," he said with just as a low voice. The moose leaned up and put it on the highest shelf, accidentally pressing the employee closer to himself. "Woah there, cutie, take me to dinner first," he said making Sammy blush. "Um sorry, I uh, didn't mean uh-" "Its okay hot stuff, my name's Gabriel, Gabriel Novak," Gabriel said, "I own this store, and your name?" The 22 year old fought a blush. "Um, my name is Samuel, Samuel Winchester," he managed as he mentally slapped himself. "Okay Samuel, can I borrow your phone for a sec?" The owner asked. "Um sure, here," The youngest Winchester said blushing. He played with it for a second, and handed it back to him. "Call me sometime Sammy," Gabriel winked and started to walk away. Jess words floated into his head, 'Get out more,' 'Stop being so afraid to let a guy in,' 'Take a chance for once in your life.' 

    "Hey Gabriel wait," Sam spoke boldly. "Yes Samsquatch?" Novak said spinning on his heal. "Would you like to go out sometime? No wait not sometime, Friday. Three days from now. Unless you're busy. You know what you're probably busy-" Sam started to ramble and walk away. Gabriel grabbed his wrist. He got real close. "Sometime, three days from now, on Friday, sounds perfect Sam," Gabe whispered looking up at the tall moose. Then kissed his cheek. Right then Samuel Winchester knew that he was really glad he decided to go grocery shopping. 

A/N: So I sent this into a "contest" a while ago, but they never posted it, so I decided to input it into my own set of one shots. Hopefully they didn't steal or something. Whatever, you only live once right? So I hope you enjoyed this. It's one of my favorite works. Have an awesome day, and an awesome time for wherever you are. Also happy late Saint Patrick's Day! I listened the St. Patrick's Day Radio on Pandora, and I go say, Ireland knows waht's up. Bye moosen!!!

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