Authors Note

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HEYYY Moosen! Sorry this isn't another one shot of sam and Gabe getting it on! But I have news. I have recently published a crack fic based on the Disney movie the emperor's new grove called the trickster's new grove. I bet you can guess what it's about... Who doesn't love Gabe as a llama though? And Crowley getting made fun of for his wrinkles, that he doesn't have? So yeah. I will update that story as much as I can, and I hope you guys check out because I think it's going to be really funny. Like a trickster put in his place, who doesn't love that? Also I may or may not post my other Destiel/Sabriel story. I'm still deciding because I want that story to be serious and it's gonna have a big message behind and other deep stuff like that. So uh yeah. Until then check out my cracky Sabriel fic!

But why a picture of waffles? Because I have a craving for them, but I can't have them, because I can't drive to ihop, plus I ain't got no money so :( .

Have an awesome day Moosen!

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