A Message to My Moosen

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Okay so I know some of you want to see my kinky side, and my friends in due time it will come. I'm not in a kinky mood right now, I'm in a fluff mood. My love might be the cause of it. Yeah I have a girlfriend now. I know y'all might not care and you might be thinking "WHO CARES WHERES MY SABRIEL?!"

Well it will come. The sabriel stories might get cuter as time goes on. They will be less sad under laying themes in them. I mean cause this girl, has made my life just happier and better. I promise I will try to write more and update my other story that I abandoned. It's just finals are coming up and I haven't been inspired to write fanfiction at the moment. I'm johnlock trash rn so I might make another one shot series of one shots, so you can look forward to that.

I've never been this happy before. I always thought I would be alone forever, but now she just comes into my life and turns everything around. I guess I always figured I wasn't good enough for anyone and I have had so much terrible luck in the love department. I finally got a good card. Sorry I'm rambling about my girlfriend, she just makes me so happy.

Anyways, no sabriel today. Maybe I'll write some johnlock today though. Cause I'm johnlock trash, destiel trash, and sabriel trash. I'm all the trashes. Okay guys have a good day, and I wish you the best of luck with finals.

~Kay Trickster

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