Best Friend's Brother Part 1

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Sam’s POV:

As I flipped through the pages of the Flash comic book, I sighed. I hated being alone all the time, but no one likes me. I wish I was a fabulous gay guy, then girls would beg to be my best friend. Alas, I am a nerdy dork in all AP classes, who’s never even skipped a day because I was sick.

I heard Gabriel, the school’s trickster, moan from the back of the library. I repressed the thoughts that were to arrive in my head. Every so often he brings someone back there to feel up. I can’t help but wish for that someone to be me. Why would he ever go out with me? I’m the two shoes virgin, at least that’s what Dean calls me. I wish I could change Gabriel like Castiel changed my brother. Castiel is Dean’s younger boyfriend and the reason he graduated high school. Castiel is a junior here, I’m a sophomore, and Gabriel is a senior.

It was the beginning of the year so why didn’t I try to socialize with others? Oh yeah. Everyone is mean. I tried to focus on my comics, but it seemed as if he moaned louder to bug me. I ran a hand through my hair and tried to calm myself down. Think of the Flash. Man how great it would be to be the Flash… I started to daydream about Barry Allen and how hot and awesome he was. I jumped when I heard the bell, and I started to pack up my stuff. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and looked behind me to see Gabriel all frazzled. His long hair was a tangled mess, he had a relaxed smirk on his face, and his shirt was backwards. He smiled at me, since he was Dean’s best friend, he knew me by association. I gave him a sad smile and walked away as quick as I could.

A few weeks later I had enough. I was having a terrible first month of school. People walked into me and shoved me out of the way as if I was nothing. As if I was invisible. Dean had become really moody lately, and started randomly yelling at me in the morning. My parents had become overbearing and wouldn’t leave me alone. I reached my limit when my teacher gave me a dentation for nothing.

It was lunch and I ran into the library bathroom. I looked myself in a stall, and leaned again the wall, and just sobbed. I leaned my head against the wall, and put my head in my hands. “Hey kiddo, you okay?” Oh great, now Gabriel can see me be a mess. Add it to the shitty moments of my life. “Uh, yeah,” I lied weakly in-between sobs. “Hey Samwich, open up. Come on, let me see you,” I sighed, stood up, and unlocked the stall door. He opened it and I had become a little taller than him. The trickster gave me a sad smile and I just collapsed on him. I gripped him tight and he stroked my back soothingly.

“I just- I can’t Gabriel. I don’t want to live anymore. Dean is moody and hates me for some odd reason. Nobody talks to me, I’m invisible. My parents are always taking out their anger on me, because they’re stressed about Dean not going to college and him being gay. I hate it. I hate getting up in morning. I hate looking in the mirror. Gabe, I’m no good. Everyone knows it too. I’m going to die alone. Getting up is a struggle and I know people have it worse and I feel terrible for being this depressed. I don’t even have it that bad. I just don’t want to live anymore,” I sobbed and sobbed too weak to stand on my own. He slid down holding me, and sat us down against the wall. “I can’t talk to people about Gabriel. I can’t add stress to my parents’ lives,” I sobbed louder and gripped him tighter.

Then the honey colored eyed senior did something that shocked me. He kissed the top of my head, and stroked my hair. “Shhhhh. It’s gonna be okay kiddo. I’m here now. It’s gonna be okay, I promise, I got you,” He rocked me back and forth starting to calm me down.

The Trickster and The MooseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ