Standing up, Liam headed out to the bathroom, allowing Niall a nice view of his back, and, when he didn't return, Niall got up and followed him, finding Liam stood over the bath, fiddling with the water and what looked like the bubble bath Niall had been given by Louis months ago.

Standing back, Liam noticed the approving smile on Niall's face and was about to leave him to his privacy when the younger guy grabbed his arm, a smirk slowly spreading across Niall's face as he asked "Aren't you going to join me?"

"If you want me to, I might....." Smiling as Niall slipped out of his tee and briefs, Liam joined him, stepping out of his trousers and into the bath, wondering when their relationship had progressed to this level, realising that, whilst they'd obviously gotten to this level previously, they hadn't ever been quite as intimate when they were both sober as they were now and had been not twelve hours previously, his thoughts trailing off when he became slightly distracted as Niall leant back against him and completely forgetting his trail of thought as Niall let out a slight sigh, his solution obviously working.

Resting his head against Liam's shoulder, Niall let out slightly different moan as Liam began to kiss along the back of his neck, stopping when he reached his shoulder before biting down slightly and sucking the mark he'd made, listening to Niall's breathing increase as he pulled back. Looking up at Liam, Niall's eyes seemed less blue green and more of a piercing, bright blue as he moaned "Li...."

"Hmm?" Trying to recover his ability to speak, Liam was having trouble remembering when he'd ever been quite this... close with anyone before when Niall leant up and kissed him, the two of them spilling bubbles over the side as the kiss intensified, Niall parting his mouth with a gasp and Liam deepening the kiss, brushing his tongue over Niall's before he moaned pulling back, Niall's fingers tangling through his hair before kissing him again.


Laid together on the couch, Liam ran his fingers through the hair on the back of Niall's head, tugging at the little knots, before turning his attention back to the film they were supposed to be watching, wrapping his arm around Niall's waist and relaxing as he snuggled back into the embrace, linking their fingers together before settling back into the film.

Leaning his head against Liam's chest, Niall let his eyes close, blocking out the film for a second and focusing on the smell of chocolate, smiling before he opened them again, half burying his face in Liam's shirt only to have to remove it when they heard the door open, already knowing without having to look that it would be Louis bringing Kieran back.

Standing up of the couch, Liam left Niall where he was, kissing his cheek as Niall didn't even try to struggle to sit, approaching Louis with a reserved grin, bending down and picking Kieran up, smiling as the baby began to babble and clenched his fist around the material of his t-shirt.

Cooing, Liam bounced Kieran up and down before nodding at Louis. Pulling a face at Kieran, he let the grin fade fro his face before he said "Thanks Louis, for watching Kieran and arranging last night, it was really great of you."

"It's no problem, Kieran is an angel, in fact he was better behaved than Harry." Shrugging, Louis ran his fingers through his fringe, staring in the direction of the couch before he asked "What's with Ni?"

Becoming very interest in his sons onesie, Liam didn't answer that question, the tips of his ears going slightly pink as he chattered at Kieran, mumbling about the ducks on his onesie, causing Louis to raise an eyebrow before approaching his best friend and questioning him.

Shrugging as Niall gestured for Liam to come and save him, Liam placed Kieran in his high chair, tying a bib around him before feeding him his bottle, pretending he was oblivious to the awkwardness of the situation, pretending he couldn't hear Louis probing Niall for details and only joining them once Kieran was settled and Louis had fallen silent.

Ignoring the look Niall was given him, Liam adjusted his grip on Kieran before laying the baby in Niall's outstretched arms and turning to face Louis. "As I said, thanks for watching Kieran for us, it was really thoughtful, Louis."

Shrugging again, Louis fell silent for a moment, looking uncharacteristically worried before he asked the two of them "Is your boyfriend offering to babysit his godson a big deal?"

Shrugging Liam exchanged look with Niall, taking Kieran back and placing him in his playpen as Niall patted Louis' arm."What happened Lou? I thought Harry was fine with kids?"

"He is fine with kids, normally. But last night, he came in and got really pissy when he realised that we would be watching Kieran instead of having our Friday night of going out. Is it that big a deal?" Leaning back against the couch, Louis looked from Liam to Niall, chewing his lip as Niall said "I have no idea, Lou, talk to Harry, no one else really know what goes on inside his head, talk to him."


Leaning back on the couch with Niall, Liam raised an eyebrow as Niall picked Kieran back up, the two of them finally having managed to help Louis and reclaim their son, shifting slightly as he smiled, watching Niall and Kieran intently.

Looking up, Niall bit his lip as he noticed Liam's staring, rocking Kieran gently as he asked "What? And don't just say nothing, this time."

Sitting closer to Niall, Liam smiled, glancing down at Kieran's smile as he said "It's.... just, you look beautiful."

Blushing slightly, Niall leaned up and kissed Liam's cheek before resting his head against his shoulder.

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