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Evie sat on the springy black sofa in the centre of her living room. She had no clue why it was in the centre, in fact, no furniture in her house ever touched the walls. Her parents never told her why they had decided to put it that way, but now they were gone.

She was never going to find out the answer.

Sitting across from her were the four boys who had gone through this with her. They had tried to help her, although she never really asked for it. They had done it anyway, but unfortunately, they had failed.

"We're not going to leave you, Evie." The loyal one insisted, his bright sky blue eyes shining with unshed tears.

Evie stared out of the window into the darkness, refusing to let herself reply. She knew he was outside somewhere, watching her. He was coming for her. He wasn't going to let her slip out of his grasp after all he had gone through to get her there.

"There's still hope." The optimistic one said, his hazel eyes catching her gaze.

She held their eye contact, not letting any emotion onto her face. Not that she was feeling anything right then, she was already slipping away. She saw a flash of his face in the window behind her four semi-heroes' heads, and she almost cried out in surprise and fear, the first emotions she had shown for days.

"We'll dedicate all the rest of our time to saving you. We will give you anything to get you back, Evie." The generous one promised her.

They had already given her all their time, and they hadn't fulfilled their one sole promise. The promise they gave her that they wouldn't let her slip into his open fist.

"Evie, we're still going to help you, we love you." The compassionate one admitted, shaking his red-haired head.

Red. That colour reminded her of him. That was the colour always associated with the devil, right?


Dedicated to lukeycharms for being amazing and giving me this idea. I know I have like no time to write it but I will find a way because I am in love with this idea like oh my lord.

And um yeah so this is my new story, which I can start already because I finished Homeroom Hate!

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