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Yahweh is salvation

The meaning of his name tells you everything that you need to know about my future husband

6'1, dark skinned, dimples deeper than the ones on my ass and a smile that give both my stomach and my uterus butterflies

've never had a man speak life into
His man goal is making us happy
I'd gladly bear his children and feel blessed to grow a piece of him within me
But I'm rambling,

Falling for him was one of the hardest things I had to do

I had to overcome my traumas, past hurts, and doubts 

Just to love him properly

He deserves better

He worships me as if I'm more that the attitudinal libra that drives him crazy

I am the source of his rage and his lust 

I can do nothing to turn him away from me 

No matter how many times I've tried to make him walk away

Even though he thinks its a test for him its more for me

I don't want to be his purpose 

I've never been what a normal person would call stable 

I would never want to pull him into my unsteadiness 

but he is bullhead

a true Taurus 

so steadfast on his courting journey that I am hoe his fiancée

I guess you can turn a hoe into a house wife 

but  i feel like shedding who i used to be will all be worth it

I know that I am the prize to be won but I now now that he is a gem of equal value

I want nothing ,more than to love him with my all for as long as I am breathing

and i know that i will go as far as he will lead me  

all this after meeting on an app for hook ups 

I got the ultimate one 

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