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Here we go again

This endless battles of wills
that usually ends with my ankles behind my ears

This perpetual lust thing got me going crazy

TLC reprimands me from doting on a scrub
but that doesn't enter my mind when he's suckling my breast like the last drop of ice water in hell

I'm stuck

Wanting to grow with him

But doesn't that make me a gardener?

How I wish there was a Build- A-Man©

Or they'd come prepackaged like the sea monkeys my uncle swore were real

But it was all an illusion much like this situationship

I can't let you go cause that would be letting go of my childhood

And the only home I've ever known

I cry sometimes

After you leave sweat and essences soaked

As you slink off to the wombman who bore your seed

After you toss me away after I've clothed you with my very being

I crawl under the barren sheets laden with regret

Nostalgia flooding through my veins

at what we us to be

Tears smears Polaroids of love lost,
squashed under the boot of adolescent


Here we go again

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