Raheem&Necie:A collage

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Niece paced the floor of her apartment contemplating on giving Taylor a call. It was two in the morning but she was pretty sure he was awake. Fuming she flops down on her couch A Different World rerun blasting in the background not helping the  roaring thoughts in her head.

'Why is this niggah still on my mind?'

Her mind raced as she grabbed the remote, a recap of the previous evenings news quickly catching her attention.

"It was right here on this desolate street in west Hollywood a man was beaten and  shot by what eyewitness described as members of the Aryan brotherhood. The victims wounds are extensive and we aren't certain if he'll make at this point, this usually quiet night broken with the bang of a gun could mean more violence to come for this peaceful neighborhood."

Niece shakes her head. The nerve of them to beat on a brother for walking down the street. The bigotry making her sick just as much as the close up of the victims  blood that still littered the street on camera. She could already tell that the neighborhood was full of minority's and if how the police were standing around aimlessly grasping at straws to explain away this sudden "tragedy of troubled youth" their half as detective skills showed their ignorance as the culprits were still on the loose, free to beat or even kill another innocent.

"God, please help us." Suddenly there's a knock on her door pulling her from her theological thoughts and she opens the door to reveal a disheveled Raheem with blood shot eyes peering at her in braless silk camisole and matching boy shorts.

"Yu look Goodaz, beautiful." Raheem sways on his feet and Niece can obviously see that he'd intoxicated.

"What wrong with you?" She allows him to come in and returns to her couch, awkward silence soon engulfed them as Raheem tries to sober up, the rum and wine in his system clashing feverishly against each other. The pounding of his head abnormally loud even to him.

Niece watches him sway somemore before clasping his hand in hers and laying him on the couch, cradling his sweat drenched head in her lap. She plays in his damp hair until he decides to talk, clearing his dry throat loudly.

"My brother was shot by a white man yesterday, he asked him what time it was in what little english he does speak and four more guys came out of a nearby alley and wrestled him to the ground. They told my baby brother to go back to hell where the tar demons reside and put a .38 through his stomach, collapsing his lung making him struggle for breath as the neighbors waited a whole hour to make sure they were safe before calling an ambulance." Her hands freezes in his scalp as silent tears trek down his face as he nibbles on his engorged pink lip.

"I'm so sorry Raheem, is there anything I can do?" He shrugs wiping the tears from his face as he stares blankly at her ceiling, a skylight expanding above him so that the starless night was clear and imposing on the duos intimate moment .

"There's nothing you or I can do. I just don't want him to be in pain, and we haven't even told Rachel he's in the hospital, she thinks his away with my father Dre." Niece pulls him closer until the thin material of her blouse feels nonexistent on his heated cheek. Both stifle a groan at the stimulating contact.

"Niece?" She looks down, milk chocolate eyes taking in his chiseled features before settling on his ebony pools.

"Yes?" She licks her lips making his pants grow uncomfortable as he watches the little pink nub retreat back between her lips.

'Bombsclault, heng up and kiss me!'

"Can I sleep in your couch? I haven't rested since yesterday and I know I'm a bit frass so I shouldn't drive." She nods pointing to the linen closet.

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