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Dear ex,
I want to take the time to thank you
For the heartbreak that soured in my chest and brought me to uncomforted tears
I thank you for the nights spent in reflection as to why I wasn't good enough
Woman enough
Me enough
Words have always been my therapy
And now I'll use them to finally gain closure
I was more than enough
Maybe you just weren't the right man to see that
Or I wasn't the right woman to be seen by you
I pray for you
You were a good man
Just not the one destined for me
I'll miss you, for you gained access to parts of me that no one else will ever see
I'm crying writing this because I'm finally letting you go
10 months but I'm finally here
Closing a chapter in my life that I'll look back on reverently
My first true love
The one that laid the path to a better understanding of self love
I would like to think that ex is short for extraction rather than extermination
I rather remove what is no longer useful than kill it completely
The Girl That Got Away

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