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You don't dress for me anymore
My taste is no longer considered when you dress
My look of approval isn't sought after
You have other eyes you want to impress
I am only here out of pity
You no longer share your sheets with me
You rather spends your nights on the couch
Unraveling your heart from mine
I'm stuck on whether I should love you or save myself
Your niceties have sour, you speak with me with language fouler then curled milk
I seek you out at night, the shadow of the man is all i find
Have my mistake put hate in your heart?
Do I disgust you so much that your ready to be rid of me?
Why do I stay? Clinging on to a feeling that may never come again. Hoping that your eyes will fill with affection for me again. A kiss after sex won't be obligatory but something anticipated.
Am i so damaged that I rather stay with a familiar pain than try to find a love sweeter than honey, one that will sooth all the trauma this heart has endured
I feel lifeless, painting on emotions suitable for the world as not to frighten them with my true face
Abriyah is a facade
Nothing more than the mask I choose to show you

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