Chapter 199: Chase

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"Hmm!" Lang Yan noticed that Fenghu is coming, roared angrily, and looked back uneasy.

"Boss, just rest assured. I arranged a lot of people to protect her. Nothing will happen." Fenghu even had time to transform into a human form, and after the boss's heart is settled, he turned back into a beast form and continued to chase.

Lang Yan feels a little uneasy, but looking at the lion in front, he still wanted to solve him first.

Shi Quan runs wildly, and the wind energy is used to the extreme.

However, he is a lion beast, with a huge body, and he's not as fast as a fox beast. The distance between a lion and a fox is still shrinking rapidly.

Shi Quan cannot run faster, but can carry more energy to support his body with the wind.

"Roar!" Lang Yan howled hurriedly.

Feng Hu is running more faster, and almost only a white afterimage can be seen in the air.

But it is still too late, and Shi Quan had been carried into the air by the wind.

He flew forward and up, staring at the wolf with hatred and jealousy.

He always tried his best to become stronger, but he is not as good as Langzhi. The best female is belonged to Langzhi, too.

Why? Why good things just  fall on him?

With hatred in his heart, Shi Quan couldn't help but split a trace of energy and shot a wind blade at Lang Yan.

Feng Hu's eyes light up: a good opportunity.

I saw the snow fox running fast on the ground and went straight to the wind blade, and his body jumped up.

The pink foot pad accurately avoided the wind blade, stepped on the wind, and continued to fly in the air, as if taking off in the air.

The lion's expression changed, and regret his action.

An admiration appeared in Lang Yan's eyes, and Feng Hu shot it down. He swiftly avoided and continued to hunt.

Feng Hu flew up into the air with the wind blade as its focus, and bit towards Shi Quan.

Shi Quan could only try his best to lift his body up, but it is too late. Feng Hu bit the brown hair on his neck and hung his body on him. The wind at Shi Quan’s feet made his body fly like a kite’s tail. .

Shi Quan's eyes showed killing intent, and his mouth could not move, so he could only raise his broad paws and pat them down.

"Well!" Fenghu groaned painfully, but still clenched his teeth firmly.

He is also capable of wind and can feel the laws of wind energy.

Such strong wind energy requires penetration, and as long as the penetration is destroyed, the wind energy will collapse.

Feng Hu kicked its limbs in the wind indiscriminately, trying its best to interfere with the trajectory of the wind, and forcibly endure the pain of the strong wind hitting the body.

Shi Quan is in a hurry, the wind blade condenses under his claws, and shoots towards the deadly place of the wind fox.

Disturbed by Fenghu, Shi Quan didn't notice that Lang Yan had chased and climbed a big tree.

"Wow!" A wolf howl came from above, and the voice is approaching them at a very fast speed.

Shi Quan is shocked in his heart, and as soon as he looked up, it turned out that Lang Yan is coming.

There is no time to dodge, and in the next instant, Shi Quan is rushed to the spot by Lang Yan.

The wind energy collapsed, and three beasts fell to the ground one after another.

Feng Hu at the bottom glared at Shi Quan and jumped away, avoiding being crushed into meat pie. But at that moment, he still hit the wind blade, but did not hurt the fatal place, and the injuries are not light.

Shi Quan is bitten by the wolf and fell firmly to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Hmm!" Lang Yan bit Shi Quan's neck and shook it wildly. The powerful force shook the whole body of the lion beast in its mouth.

For the other orcs, it should have been killed in one bite.

Fortunately, Shi Quan is a lion beast with a thick skin, and it has only just been bitten through its outer skin.

But if you go on like this, you will still die.

I dont know whether you've recognized this or not. But this is alteady reach 200. So I have to move into the new place😁

As you know, this author got a looonngggg story. Like 'beauty and the beasts', this story have more than 1000 chapter, too. Hope you enjoy it like I do💕

Ah, for those who comment about the grammar.. sorry, i'm not an english teacher. If you dont like it, then no need to read it. Or the other way, translate it yourself😁

I didnt said that i'm perfect. But i just try to do my best. Thanks for those who always support me. Love you💕💕

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