Chapter 97: Green Haired Man Reappears

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Bai Yue is exhausted and paralyzed, but it felt like she had finally pulled out heavy burden which had been brewing for two months in her stomach and felt unprecedented ease, embarrassment.

Suddenly, she is excited.

Someone is watching her!

Bai Yue immediately turned her head to look around, but saw nothing.

She closed her eyes and wanted to observe with mental force, that eyes must be the spirit body.

But because Bai Yue is too weak and mentally exhausted, she could not see anything.

The strange thing just now is probably her illusion.

Bai Yue shook her head, tilted in the wolf's arms, and could no longer lift a trace of strength.

In the corner of the delivery room, stood a fair-skinned young man, with dark green hair cascading down to the ground, laying a circle of hair around her.

But no one noticed his existence, except Bai Yue before collapse.

He quietly looked at Bai Yue for a long time, and finally seemed to understand that she is only giving birth. It is not that he thought she had been fatally injured, and his body quickly faded away and soon disappeared into the air.

At the same time, the white bone vine, which is also suicidally drawn at the last moment, seemed to cut off the supply. It suddenly fell to the ground and withered and decayed at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Xiong Yao is puzzled, but his men are not idle, and he cleaned the ground with the doctors.

Lang Zhi helped Bai Yue scrub her body and walked out of the delivery room, the aisle is already cleaned up.

Xiong Yao is walking quickly from the aisle. Under the bright lights, he had a pair of black pupils shining brightly, staring directly at the female in the wolf's arms.

"Already give birth?"

"Well." Wolf's throat responded calmly.

Bai Yue turned her head to Xiong Yao and smiled at him, releasing her joy.

After receiving the response from the female, Xiong Yao is suddenly satisfied, and it is very happy to be able to accompany Guoguo in this way.

"How about the baby?" Xiong Yao glanced back.

Lang Zhi said while walking forward: "Behind."

"I'll want to hug them," Xiong Yao said.

When the two get pass, Wolf's footsteps suddenly stopped, his nose sniffed, and looked at Xiong Yao.

"You have the smell of plants." Lang Zhi is suspicious.

Xiong Yao glanced at his hands and said: "It is Bone Vine. I don't know why. Just now a large piece has suddenly grown and has been cleaned."

The wolf nodded and walked into the corner, this time even Bai Yue smelled a strong bitter taste.

This is the smell of the juice that flows out after the plant is damaged, which is equivalent to the blood of an orc.

The plant must have been beaten badly, Bai Yue thought.

Bai Yue entered the maternity ward, and it didn't take long for Xiong Yao to bring a basket with three babies.

"Guo Guo, look, our baby." Wolf is showing to Baiyue treat them like a treasure, but her voice is full of exclamation.

Bai Yue looked at it immediately.

The babies are asleep, and they look much better than they were just born, and they are clean.

However, they are not as handsome as Langzhi.

They have big stomachs, small limbs, a mouth on their heads, wide and large, and the whole structure seems to be formed for eating.

Probably disturbed, a baby stretched lazily with little strength.

"Aang~" The little wolf cub cried out with a milky voice, a front paw just lifted above, revealing a pink and tender plum foot pad. Like a freshly steamed hair cake, one can't help but want to reach out and poke.

Bai Yue raised her sore arm, gently pressed it on the coyote's foot pad, and immediately took a breath.

Ahhhhhh! It's so soft, my heart is melting!

It's still warmmm, makes me want to bite!

The Future Beast World: The Wife You Bought, can't Bear CubsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu