Chapter 72: Baked Steamed Eggs

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"No!" Bai Yue shouted subconsciously.

After she finished talking, she panicked and looked at Xiong Yao's complexion. She was relieved to see that he was not very strange.

Xiong Yao stood still, just opened his hands, ready to help Bai Yue.

Being stared at by a big man to solve physiological problems, Bai Yue was terrified and urinated for a long time before urinating.

Just at the beginning, there was a tingle there, and she couldn't help but take a breath.

Xiong Yao squatted nervously, "Does it still hurt?"

Bai Yue endured the pain and quickly urinated. After lifting her pants, she was ready to pull the zipper, but she was hugged by Xiong Yao.

"Bear!" Bai Yue shouted panicly.

Xiong Yao explained: "The doctor said that after excretion, washing with warm water will not hurt."

It turns out so.

Bai Yue relaxed.

Xiong Yao really took her to the bathroom to flush the hot water, and then helped her get dressed without any more behavior.

To know that females are mentally retarded, even if she did, generally females can't tell, they can only become secrets.

Xiong Yao did not do that, proving his integrity.

Bai Yue felt a deeper affection for him and a deeper guilt for him.

After all, she grew up in a monogamous environment, and as long as she was not desperate, she did not intend to accept more than one husband.

"What does Guoguo want to eat today?" Xiong Yao asked happily and walked towards the kitchen.

Bai Yue was hooked with a worm, and began to think.


"Want to eat eggs?" Xiong Yao put Bai Yue on the chair beside the dining table. "I'll go to the yard to see if the chicken lays eggs."

After all, Xiong Yao turned around.

Bai Yue also jumped off the chair and ran to the kitchen to see.

When Xiong Yao took two eggs back, Bai Yue was already holding the tableware and waiting at the kitchen door.

Xiong Yao couldn't help laughing: "It's not cooked yet, I'll bake it for you first."

Bai Yue doesn't like to eat baked eggs. She thinks that the yolk chokes on her throat and grabs Xiong Yao's arm to grab the egg.


Xiong Yao couldn't bear to refuse, thinking of the egg, and gave it to her.

"Be careful not to fall to the ground, it will break." Xiong Yao said.

Bai Yue squatted on the ground and broke two eggs into a big bowl.

"..." Xiong Yao stood up silently and went to get the eggs again.

By the time he came back again, Bai Yue had mixed a lot of water and salt into the bowl and made a bowl of steamed eggs.

Because she was sent to a psychiatric hospital, she has a deep memory at home. She often helps her mother make steamed eggs. After adjusting the egg liquid, it can be cooked in the discharge rice cooker, and it should be the same in the oven.

Xiong Yao was a little surprised to see Guoguo made a decent appearance.

"What made you do this? Want to bake hot?" Xiong Yao bent over and sniffed the egg liquid, feeling the taste was okay. "Then I will bake it for you."

Bai Yue nodded happily, Xiong Yao was really a caring big vest.

Twenty minutes later, the oven "ding".

Baiyue and Xiong Yao passed immediately, and Xiong Yao froze as soon as the oven is open.

Isn’t it a big bowl of water? How did it become solid?

Bai Yue swallowed her saliva and stared at Xiong Yao hurriedly: "I want to eat."

Xiong Yao is impressed, glanced at Bai Yue, and walked to the table with the food.

No matter, Guoguo eats first.

This baked egg is very successful and has the same taste as the steamed egg, except that there is a layer of baked brown on the surface, which has a better taste.

Bai Yue ate one bite after another, and the food was very sweet, making people look appetite.

"Gulu~" an exaggerated spitting sound came into Baiyue's ears.

Bai Yue rolled her eyes and looked at Xiong Yao beside him.

The Future Beast World: The Wife You Bought, can't Bear CubsWhere stories live. Discover now