Chapter 65: Hide and Seek 2

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"I know, Guoguo must be in the closet!"

Lang Zhi is calm, the footsteps were closer, and almost rang in Bai Yue's ear.

Bai Yue jumped into her throat with nervousness, staring at the front of the darkness with wide eyes, paying full attention to the sound outside.


The wardrobe door was opened, and the clothes were neatly hung inside.

Lang Zhi reached in and waved, "Oh, not here."

Bai Yue sighed and so scared until get sweat.

The closet door opened by Langzhi is just below Baiyue.

The wardrobe hidden in Baiyue is actually just a small locker. It is very small. From the outside, you can't believe that it can hide people.

Wolf is not disappointed, nor does he think Guoguo will be hidden in such a conspicuous cabinet.

"Not in the closet, it must be under the bed." Lang Zhi stepped closer to the big bed and moved the sheets quickly.

The result is still not.

Lang Zhi is a little puzzled, but only the bedroom is the warmest at home. Guoguo won't run away. Is she hiding in Xiong Yao's room?

"Isn't it here?" Wolf's eyes swept across every corner of the room.

Bai Yue snickered in the cabinet, ha ha ha ha, stupid wolf!

Lang Zhi shook his ears, and suddenly looked at the small compartment above the closet with a blaze.

Lang Zhi is in the way. Bai Yue grinned, breathing hardly, she was caught by the sensitive ears of Langzhi.

The wolf stunned for a moment, then quickly walked over, and when Bai Yue hadn't responded, "wow" he opened the cabinet door.

Bai Yue still had a big laugh on her face, suddenly exposed to the light, and suddenly the whole person...ah no, it should be that the whole body is frozen.

Lang Zhi is even more stupid, and the cabinet is almost completely filled with females. He simply does not know how to pull out this mass of flesh intact.

I feel it's safer to remove the cabinet.

"How did you get in?" Lang Zhi asked silently for a long while.

Bai Yue said sullenly: "Stupid wolf."

Lang Zhi didn't refute, he really couldn't connect people with the little locker, he lost.

Wolf wore his hand into the gap of the cabinet, and dragged Bai Yue out like a drawer. It took a full minute to get the goods out.

Bai Yue's whole body was squeezed sour, and after moving her muscles, she was too lazy to move.

When she stepped out of the small cabinet, she suddenly felt so unrestrained.

Lang Zhi put things back in place, then leaned against the closet and looked at Bai Yue funny: "Why you hiding from me?"

Bai Yue looked up at Langzhi innocently: I'm just mentally retarded, I don't understand.

"I don't understand?" Lang Zhi slowly approached the bed, resting one hand on Bai Yue's neck, his voice was ambiguous: "Then I will continue."

With that, Lang Zhi pressed against the soft, petite body of the female and touched the zipper under her tail.

"Boom Boom-Boom Boom" Bai Yue's heart beating wildly, her body stiff like a piece of bacon.

Lang Zhi looked at her and smiled.

He wanted to see if Guoguo would hold back until she spoke.

He can understand Guoguo's practice of hiding IQ. During this period, a healthy female appears. The most important thing is not to breed offspring for orcs, but to produce more healthy females.

If her health is open to the world, then she will be insulated from the normal family and can only be used as a fertility machine.

When Guoguo is willing to tell him this secret, it proves that he is completely accepted and trusted by Guoguo, and he looks forward to this day.

The Future Beast World: The Wife You Bought, can't Bear CubsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu