Chapter 163: Proud Again

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"This can be eaten." Bai Yue said excitedly.


The wolf cubs are like arrows from Lixuan, and they are launched instantly with the words of their mother.

The mother and son sat on the ground and eat so much.

Above the canopy, Bone Vine placed the apples that are about to be dropped on the treetop.

He didn't want to help her, but just fear that she would die because of thirst.

Bai Guteng vowed in his heart that he would never give her other help.

Yue Yue is alone, she has to be alone! When she suffers enough, she will stay by his side.


It is already dusk, Bai Yue held a cane in her hand and forced herself to continue to maintain her spiritual strength.

"Walk for a while, and let's go to sleep when the sun goes down." Bai Yue propped up, not knowing whether she is talking to the children or herself.

As soon as the words fell, Bai Yue suddenly softened and her head went black for a while before she fainted to the ground.


The wolf cubs immediately rushed up, arching their mother's body with their heads.


The branches and leaves receded, and the sunset exposed, bringing a warm glow.

The three children are about to raise their heads and found a soft, cool dark green hair lined on their bodies.


Bai Guteng ignored the cubs, anxiously touched Bai Yue's head, and then a crystal appeared in his hand, feeding her mouth.

Is she dead? Why can't she wake up? Doesn't she always wake up when he sleeps?

Bai Guteng's head is blank. All lessons and jealousies are left behind, and a crystal is put into Bai Yue's mouth.

He didn't dare to imagine what it would be like for her to lie here as nourishment. The emotion of regret rose from the bottom of his heart. Bai Yue slept for a second, and this regret is deeper.

Fortunately, Bai Yue's complexion quickly turned red, her breathing became stronger, and she looked healthier than usual.

Bone Vine sighed with relief and stopped shaking her, let her rest well. His long white hands stroked her face one by one, and the light green halo penetrated through the pores and deep into the skin.

"Oh~" The eldest rubbed his mother, because Guteng came, and he is not worried.

"Guteng~" The eldest rubbed the arm of Bone Vine, then picked up his hair and wrapped it around himself.

The second child and the third child have different styles of learning, and they both took the hair of Bai Guteng to cover their bodies, and did not forget to cover their mother.

Bone Vine turned the hair into vines and weaved a rattan ball on the spot.

Just protect them for one night and talk about everything tomorrow.

Thinking so, Bai Guteng also closed his eyes.


The next day.

In his sleep, Bai Yue felt an adult around her, and habitually drilled into his arms.

Bai Guteng immediately opened his eyes and felt Bai Yue's dependence, an unfamiliar emotion spreading in the bottom of his heart, overflowing with sour heart.

He didn't understand what emotion it is, but the corners of his mouth curled up uncontrollably.

Since Yue Yue is so dependent on him, he would barely forgive her for that day.

Bai Yue slipped two lines of tears in the corner of her eyes and rubbed his arms in love: "Langzhi..."

The smile in the corner of Bai Guteng's mouth froze, he clenched his fists, and regardless of Bai Yue's limb retention, he forcibly withdrew his arm.

The cane spread and the light of the first day fell on the vine.

The wolf cubs are awakened by the light, one by one.

"Guteng~" the eldest yawned.

With his voice, Bai Guteng's figure faded quickly. When the sound fell, and Bone Vine had disappeared.

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