Chapter 56: The first delicious meal

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Bai Yue buckled the bamboo basket on the ground, supported with sugarcane skin at one end, and then sprinkled the wood chips from the sugarcane forest into the bamboo basket.

A rope was tied to the sugarcane skin (so she reimbursed the traction rope bought by Langzhi), and Bai Yue held the other end of the rope and squatted aside.

"Cuckoo~" The chicken ate all the way, drilled out of the sugarcane forest, and looked around.

They never had the experience of being hunted, and felt that the creatures next to them could not threaten themselves, so the leading cock came out boldly.

Bai Yue held her breath and held the rope tightly in her hand, her eyes closely following the footsteps of the chicken.

The rooster ate in front, followed by a string of hens, all happily eating.

When the cock at the forefront entered the bamboo basket, Bai Yue immediately pulled the rope.

With a clatter, the chicken was framed.


The rooster was so frightened that he fluttered his wings immediately, and the hens panicked into the sugar cane forest.

The bamboo basket was almost overturned by the rooster. Fortunately, the plants are dense in texture and not light in weight. Bai Yue successfully rushed to suppress it before attacking the overturned bamboo basket.

"Hoo! I finally got it!" Bai Yue let out a long breath lying on the bamboo basket.

Lang Zhi also relaxed, but looking at the female in the picture, he gradually fell into contemplation.

From the first glance at Guoguo, he knew she was smart, but he didn't expect that she was so smart. There was no gap between her and males' IQ, and she might even be smarter.

At least he didn't expect to catch the chicken without force.

It's not clear how complicated Wolf's mood is, Bai Yue, she is now very happy.

The rooster chicken, as the name implies, were really "attacked". Bai Yue drew her hand into her sleeve to control it, tied the wings and claws with rope, and carried it into the villa.

Catching a chicken is very troublesome, killing it also wastes Bai Yue's strength.

She wanted to keep the chicken blood to eat, but after killing it, half of the chicken blood was spilled on the ground, and the blood in the bowl was only padded, and Bai Yue dumped it.

Then she began to pluck its hair. She had to pluck the chicken hair with boiling water. Trying to do it once, she successfully plucked the chicken hair.

Then dissect the belly and remove the internal organs together. After washing, the ingredients are processed.

Bai Yue stood on the small bench and looked around the kitchen.

In fact, this is no longer a kitchen. It can only be counted as a storage room and a granary. In addition to refrigerators and ovens, it is no longer a cooking utensil.

Helpless, Bai Yue can only make roast chicken.

She has never cooked before, but she has saw the experience of Langzhi and Xiong Yao. She first touched the chicken evenly with a layer of salt.

After she made it, she felt a bit monotonous. She crushed the fresh tomato that Wolf had just bought for her in the refrigerator and applied a thick layer on the inside and outside of the chicken. Then she satisfactorily wrapped the chicken in tin foil and put it in the oven.

After roasting for half an hour, Bai Yue couldn't help taking the roast chicken out.

When she opened it, she was pleasantly surprised by the finished product.

The surface of the roast chicken is roasted with golden oil, which blends perfectly with the color of the tomato, exuding a sour and salty and attractive meaty aroma.

Bai Yue slobbered, reached out and took a small bite, and it is so hot that she couldn't spit it out.

Wow! So delicious! Is this what I did?

Bai Yue couldn't believe her cooking skills. If she was not sent to a mental hospital in the 21st century, she should become a master chef!

Bai Yue was eating happily here, and the Langzhi watched with drooling.

Wolf licked his lips, or else, go home and stutter?

No, hold back!

If Guoguo lied to him for so long, he would have to come back to tease her!

The Future Beast World: The Wife You Bought, can't Bear CubsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon