Chapter 165: Attacked

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The sun hasn't set, the forest is already dark with a visibility of less than ten meters, a ray of white mist floats on the ground, and the frost begins to condense.

Bai Yue continued walking with her cane. She had to find an open space free of weeds as soon as possible to rest.

Generally speaking, as long as she avoids powerful plants, there is no danger.

But there is no absolute thing in the world.

Suddenly, Bai Yue felt something is wrong.

Quiet! It's too quiet!

Bai Yue used a cane to scoop the children towards their feet, turning around and looking around.

Perhaps it is knowing that she had been found, and the dormant hide in the dark moved out.

A blur of dark shadows could not see what it is, but a pair of green glowing eyes are not swallowed by the darkness, staring at them eerily.


Little wolf cubs are taken aback, and their hairs blew up in an instant, standing beside his mother and roaring fiercely and fearfully.

Bai Yue is also afraid, but with the children are by her side, she couldn't get weak. She held the stick tightly and stared at the other party fiercely, saying, "Follow mother, don't run around!"

"Oh~" the wolves responded obediently.

Bai Yue's behavior is undoubtedly provocative in the eyes of the beast. It is obviously irritated, but when Bai Yue's eyes are not afraid, and it is not sure of her strength it glanced at the cubs on the ground. .


The dark masses moved quickly, and they heard the sound of crawling while crawling, giving invisible pressure.

Although Baiyue is afraid of it, she rushed to the children immediately, so that she could clearly see the other person's face.

It turned out to be a giant lizard. On closer inspection, it was a chameleon-like lizard. It had a huge body and a slender tail like a snake. It is powerful and sensitive.

The wolf cubs thinked it as a crocodile that they had seen in the river. They are scared and they are frightened.

"Don't run!" Bai Yue dared not look back to see where the children had gone, and moved quickly to the left.


The monitor lizard uttered a hoarse roar, and a tongue longer than its body length popped out of his mouth, shooting towards the second child over there.

Bai Yue reflexively threw out the stick in her hand, centering the tongue of the monitor lizard.

The lizard flinched its tongue immediately, and the slimy tongue rolled back to the stick.

The blow did not cause substantial damage, only angered the monitor lizard more and more. It looked at Baiyue angrily, opened his mouth again, and a scarlet tongue popped out.

Bai Yue paused, thinking it is too late to retreat.

"Ah!" Bai Yue screamed aloud, instinctively covering her head with her arms, and her mental power is released with the scream.

"Bang!" The tip of the scarlet tongue is about to touch Bai Yue's clothes, but it seemed to hit a layer of soft glass, it is resisted for a moment, and then retracted.

Bai Yue vaguely realized what she had resisted with her mental strength, and the impact stabbed her brain for a while.

She lowered her arm and glanced. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, her body suddenly felt a sense of collapse.

Her legs softened and she knelt down on the ground.

The lizard's front paw scratched the tip of his stinging tongue, and when he looked at Baiyue again, there is fear in his eyes.

Bai Yue is so tired that she just wanted to lie down and rest, but the body didn't dare to do it, and he held up the spirit and looked at the lizard.

In the end, the lizard overcomes the few fears and spit out his tongue at Baiyue again.

Bai Yue is unable to resist, and could only watch the monitor lizard's mouth open and spit out a sticky long tongue.

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